Smart News

Getting in Touch After a Disaster

Before cellphones, it was much harder to get a hold of loved ones, but it was also less likely you knew they were in danger at all


Your Meat is Probably Packing Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic resistant bacteria is rampant in grocery store meat, and it doesn't seem to be going away


The Northeastern United States Gets To See a Rocket Launch Today

At 5 p.m. today, a huge rocket will blast off from a base in Virginia


What Was the First Book Ever Ordered on

Amazon wasn't always a multi-billion dollar company. Their first non-internal order came in 1995, and it was a science book


With New Ban, No More Lions and Tigers and Bears at Circuses

Any animal not normally domesticated in the UK will no longer appear on stage


Dark Lightning Is Just One of the Crazy Types of Lightning You’ve Never Heard Of

Dark Lightning is not the only weird form of lightning you've probably never heard of


Trees Make Noises, and Some of Those Sounds Are Cries for Help

Knowing what kinds of noises trees in distress produce means researchers may be able to target those most in need of emergency waterings during droughts

The Earliest Stop Motion Animations Are Weirdly Wonderful

These animations remind us that you don't need Pixar's budget to make something wonderful


You’re Lying to Yourself About How Good Your Future Will Be

In a psychology experiment, people assumed that bad things would not happen to them in the future, but that those bad things could happen to their friends


No, You Can’t Officially Rename a Planet. But No One Can Stop You From Trying

This contest to name exoplanets isn't official. But does that really matter?


The Secret to Biofuels Might Be Hidden in Poop

A fungus that grows on manure and breaks down the leftover plant material could be a key clue for biofuel researchers

Kickstarter for Surgery Lets You Help Those in Need

A crowdfunding venture gives you a way to donate directly to people's surgeries


This Is the Coolest Way to Watch the Northern Lights (Without Going to the Arctic)

Pan and scroll your way around the northern lights


People Search for Information About Mental Health Less Often in the Summer

As flowers start to reemerge, people seem a whole lot happier. And they might actually be happier, if Google searches are any indication

Are Animal Rules for TVs And Movies Strict Enough?

The rules are extensive, but after three horses died in the filming of the HBO show "Luck," some are wondering if they're strict enough

China’s Deadly New Bird Flu Is Spreading

With 64 reported cases over the past two weeks, H7N9 is spreading


This Computer Could Soon Beat You At Super Mario Bros.

Tom Murphy, a PhD student in computer science, just built a computer program that can play Super Mario Bros


Our Closest Ape-Like Ancestor Is Reshuffling Thinking About Human Evolution

Australopithecus sediba included a strange mix of both modern Homo and ape-like australopith features


The Most Comprehensive Map of the Internet Yet May Give Clues for Sealing Up Vulnerabilities

Researchers are using ISP databases to connect the dots between networks in order to create a comprehensive map of the internet's global scope

Drought in western Kentucky

Don’t Blame the Awful U.S. Drought on Climate Change

Scientists can attribute particular natural disasters to climate change--just not the 2012 Great Plains drought

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