Smart News

Fast-Melting Arctic Ice Caused Massive Spring Snowstorms

Record lows of Arctic sea ice also accounts for last year's unusually warm spring


Nobody Chews Like You Chew

There are a few things that are distinct to every person—her fingerprints, voice, particular way of walking, and, it turns out, the way she chews


Richard III’s Relatives Threaten to Sue If His Exhumed Remains Aren’t Buried in York

Wherever Richard III winds up, the tourist buses will likely follow


Oklahoma’s Biggest-Ever Earthquake Was Likely Man-Made

By injecting fluid deep underground, people may have caused Oklahoma's big 2011 earthquake


Setting Sail: the 500th Anniversary of Juan Ponce de León’s Discovery of Florida

The story of Florida isn't as simple as you may remember


The Butt-Dialing Champion of the World Works for the New York Mets

The director of media relations for the Mets calls people by accident sometimes several times a day - from current players, to team executives to coaches

An Artist’s Ode to Plankton, Set to Puccini’s ‘La Boheme’

Instead of singing to Mimi, the poet Rodolfo serenades a giant stalks of human-sized plankton wrapped in plastic pollution

A handsome great tit

Attractive Great Tits Raise Healthier Babies, Even If They’re Not Genetically Related

Males may be selecting for females with brighter cheeks and bolder stripes, which indicate the females' genetic strength and parenting skills


Night Owl And Early Bird Teens Think Differently

Night owls score higher than morning people on general intelligence, but morning people get better grades

The orange dot on the right is the anterior cingulate cortex.

Can A Brain Scan Predict Your Future Criminality?

Brain scans revealed which prisoners got picked up again after their release


With Music, What You See Affects What You Hear

A flourish of the arm can seem to extend a note, even if the sound itself is exactly the same

Are You Here on Earth Just to Make Babies?

If so, what does that really mean for what we do each day, our culture and our society?


The Myers-Briggs Personality Test Is Pretty Much Meaningless

Everybody relies on those four letters far more than they should

A map of the Mississippi Territory c. 1817

After 195 Years, Georgia Is Still Complaining About Its Border With Tennessee

Georgia, again, wants to move its border a mile to the north


Scientists Published Henrietta Lacks’ Genome Without the Consent of Her Family

Author Rebecca Skloot argues that society is not ready for full genetic disclosures of individuals


Smuggler Caught With 10 Percent of an Entire Species

At the Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Thailand, authorities stopped a man with some turtles. Fifty-four ploughshare tortoises and twenty-one radiated tortoises, to be exact


The Count of Dead Pigs Pulled Out of Chinese Rivers Is Up to 16,000

Recent plagues of dead animals floating down China's rivers may be due to farmers evading heightened environmental regulations

Mussolini and Hitler in Munich in 1940.

Italian Dictator Mussolini’s Secret Bunker Unearthed

Hidden beneath the Palazzo Venezia, Benito Mussolini's World War II bunker


Tracing $1 Bills Across the United States Is a Surprisingly Useful Hobby

What started as a quirky hobby, has turned into a national bill hunt that's useful for all sorts of people - like physicists

A reconstruction of Daisy Morris’ dinosaur, Vectidraco daisymorrisae

Five-Year-Old Girl Discovers Fossil of Previously Unknown Pterosaur

A brand new pterosaur and a 300-million year old crab, the fossil finds of kids

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