Smart News


Why the Internet Loves Lists

Why do we love lists so much? Science and literature might have some answers


Pessimists Live Longer Than Optimists

New research suggests that the downers wind up outlasting the uppers


Neuroscientists Wire Two Rats’ Brains Together And Watch Them Trade Thoughts

One rat, presented with a task, completes it using only the thoughts transmitted from another rat's brain

A Chinook helicopter caries supplies to the stranded Kulluk oil drilling platform in January.

Arctic Drilling Is On Hiatus As Shell Packs It In

After a string of mishaps, Shell is pausing their bid to drill the Arctic seas


Could Spider Silk Stop a Moving Train?

Spiderman really could have stopped that train from falling, so long as his silk resembled that produced by the Darwin's bark spider


Why Are Our Brains Wrinkly?

Brain wrinkles naturally develop as the brain gets larger in order to lend more surface area and help white matter fibers avoid long stretches

Carbon capture and storage equipment in Germany.

Canadian Government Winds Down Research That Could Help Stop Climate Change

If carbon dioxide emissions don't start dropping in the next few decades, we're looking at hundreds of years of high temperatures

Aphrodite rescuing her son Aeneas, wounded in fight, scene from The Iliad. Work on display in the Staatliche Antikensammlungen.

Geneticists Try to Figure Out When the Illiad Was Published

When was The Iliad actually written? To answer that question, you might turn to a historian or a literary scholar. But geneticists wanted a crack at it


Why Do We Care Whether Animals Appreciate Our Art?

In a recent study, researchers put seven Java Sparrows in a cage with a bunch of artwork and watched them to see which ones they preferred

A giant goldfish recovered from Lake Tahoe.

Giant Goldfish Have Invaded Lake Tahoe

Populations of native fish have decreased tenfold in Lake Tahoe, and this new invader could only exacerbate the situation


Titanic Replica Will Aim to Retrace Ill-Fated Ship’s Voyage

The same man who wanted to establish a Jurassic Park theme park now wants to build the Titanic II

A naturally occurring aurora in Alaska.

Lighting Up the Arctic Sky With Artificial Aurorae

The U.S. military's Naval Research Lab teamed up with university researchers and defense contractors to set the atmosphere aglow


This Is Your Brain on Movies

Innerscope Research recently did a study claiming that by looking at viewers "emotional engagement threshold" during a trailer, they can predict just how well it will do at the box office. But neuroscience isn't that easy


Overzealous Male Frogs Practice a Practical Sort of Necrophilia

Both males and females still get to pass on their genes to the next generation, despite one of them being dead


Why Do Big Dogs Die Younger?

According to new research, it's because they age faster


Too Little Sleep Can Really Mess Our Bodies Up

People who sleep normally have around 1,800 functioning genes, but the sleep deprived lose around 400 of these


What Does Football Look Like for the Ball?

Researchers have developed an image stabilization program that can actually smooth out the footage and give you some great, ball's- eye-view shots


Investigation: China Covertly Condones Trade in Tiger Skins and Bones

The Chinese government says it is committed to saving tigers from extinction, yet it legalized trade in captive-bred big cats' skin and bones


The Red Planet Is Only Red on the Outside

A rusty sheen turns Mars red, but beneath the rock is a plain gray


William Shatner Hijacks Contest to Name Pluto’s Moon

For the Vulcan home world, or the Roman god of fire, Pluto's new moon may soon be named Vulcan

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