Smart News

The 50th parallel

Europe Is Warmer Than Canada Because of the Gulf Stream, Right? Not So Fast

A long-accepted explanation for a warm Europe is up for debate

In Space, Infectious Diseases Reveal Their True Nature

It turns out that microgravity might reveal a thing or two about the nasty bacteria


New York Is Running Out of Ways to Separate Gifted Pre-Schoolers From Well-Prepared Ones

Actually figuring out which four-years-old are naturally smart and which have simply prepared, is harder than you might think


Saving Top Predators Could Have a Climate Change Benefit, Too

Through their effect on the food web, shifting predator populations can change greenhouse gas levels


Trolls Are Ruining Science Journalism

Negative comments, regardless of their merit, could sway readers' perceptions

Chimpanzees Remember Things Faster Than You Do

Chimpanzees are several times stronger than us, generally healthier, and research suggests that they might have better memories too

Guess What the Most Abundant Organism on Earth Is?

If you had to guess the most abundant organism on the planet, you might think of ants, or maybe bacteria. But a newly discovered virus might trump them all

Appreciate Weird, Adorable Pangolins Before They’re Gone

Across Asia, a plague of hunting has hit pangolins, though it's not too late to save these intriguing creatures from extinction


Newly Approved Retinal Implants Can Help Blind People See

The first retinal implants ever approved for use in the U.S. could help with a certain type of blindness


The Last Massive Exploding Meteor Hit Earth in 1908, Leveling 800 Square Miles of Forest

In 1908, a meteor exploding in mid-air released the energy equivalent to "185 Hiroshima bombs"


Ask Smithsonian 2017

Water Never Goes Bad, So Why Does It Need an Expiration Date?

Really, you shouldn't be worried about the water, but about the bottle.


Massive Meteor Breaks Up Over Russia, Sends Dozens to Hospital

The mid-air explosion of a 10-ton meteor injured more than 500 people

Zora Ball, the first grader who coded a computer game.

First Grader Codes Her Own Computer Game

The seven-year-old Philadelphia student just became the world's youngest known person ever to code a computer game


Opera Fans Have an Advantage in Chemistry Class

Twenty-five different natural and synthetic chemical potions and poisons pop up in 20 different opera's plots


The Pentagon’s Newest Medal Rewards Excellence in Drone Combat

Called the Distinguished Warfare Medal, this award will honor drone pilots, hackers and others


Ockham Never Really Had a Razor

Ockham never really said anything about razors; he was more interested in Scripture


Why Have So Many of Tibet’s Monks Set Themselves on Fire?

More than 100 Tibetan monks have set themselves aflame in the past four years


We’re Biased Towards Our Own Relationship Status And Push It Onto Our Friends

People, whether single or partnered up, tend to think their way of romantic life is better for everyone, regardless of how happy they actually are


Why Football Players Get Away With Everything, Even Doping

The people of the world have spoken: they don't like cheaters, and they don't like doping. Unless you're a football player - in which case no one seems to care

Neuroscientists Have Created Mice That Can’t Sense Cold

The end goal is to help develop drugs that more thoroughly knock out the feeling of pain

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