Smart News


These Sneaky Toxins Are Slipping Past Food Regulators

Chemical mask-wearing mycotoxins can slip past screening techniques

Chinese relics in disrepair and the study authors’ proposed fix for the terracotta soldiers.

China’s Terracotta Warrior Army Is Deteriorating

If China doesn't take steps to better preserve the relics, they may eventually turn into dust

Researchers thought that male fish, affected by artificial hormones in waste water, were growing eggs. This turned out to not be true.

California’s Gender-Bending Fish Was Actually Just a Contamination Accident

Scientists thought male fish, exposed to artificial hormones, were growing eggs. They weren't

A sea turtle farm in Gran Cayman

Captive Sea Turtles Extract Their Revenge by Making Tourists Sick

Captive sea turtles in the Caymans can ruin a tourist's visit with a nasty dose of bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites

A moose in Alaska’s Denali National Park and Preserve.

Minnesota’s Moose Are Missing, And No One Really Knows Why

Disease? Warm summers? No one knows for sure what is leading to the moose's decline in this state

Some of the newly discovered pyramids

Archaeologists Found a Mysterious, Dense Cluster of 35 Pyramids in Sudan

The pyramids hail back to the days of the kingdom of Kush, which occurred around 2,000 years ago

Aramaic is one language scholars are racing to save.

How to Revive a Lost Language

By the year 2100, the human race will have lost about 50% of the languages alive today. Every fourteen days a language dies. There are some success stories


Ikea Makes Us All Feel Like Master Carpenters

We really do think our mediocre constructions are just as good as those of the very finest of craftsman

Wisdom the Albatross with the chick she hatched last year.

At 62, the Oldest Bird in the World Is Still Hatching Chicks

Wisdom the 62 year-old albatross just hatched what is thought to be her 30 to 35th chick


This Bionic Man, With Working Machine Organs, Is Pretty Much the Creepiest Thing Ever

With artificial limbs and organs, Rex is a vision of a bionic future


Whooping Cough Is Making a Comeback, And This New Vaccine-Resistant Strain Won’t Help

Across the United States cases of whooping cough, or pertussis, are on the rise. Named for the “deep “whooping” sound [that] is often heard when the patient tries to take a breath,” says the U.S. National Library of Medicine, this bacterial infection can cause fever, difficulty breathing, and bouts of awful coughing that can last [...]

How to Sleep Like Salvador Dali

Dali felt as though sleep was a waste of time (so did Edison, and many other influential people) but science suggests that sleep is pretty important


Your Playlist Really Does Impact Your Workout

A slow jam won't get you through that third mile, and smooth jazz isn't going to kick that kickboxing workout up a notch. It's not just personal preference either - it's science

Does he really miss you, or is that a tasty looking squirrel out there?

Is Your Dog as Smart as You Think?

Researchers are now starting to look into the question, and see just how intelligent our furry friends actually are


Women Are Awesome at Science, But Not So Much in the U.S.

Science savvy female teens in Asia, east and south Europe and the Middle East outperform males in science aptitude, but the opposite is true in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe


Monopoly Fans Have Spoken: Cats Are In, Irons Are Out

As Hasbro welcomes the sleek, new silver kitty, it bids farewell to the age-old iron


Sorry, Malcolm Gladwell: NYC’s Drop in Crime Not Due to Broken Window Theory

We have no idea why crime dropped, but it had nothing to do with broken windows or police strategy


The Iditarod Is Being Threatened by Warm Temperatures

A lack of snow is affecting the annual Iditarod sled dog race

A seismogram records the motion of the magnitude 8.0 earthquake.

A Massive 8.0 Earthquake Hit the South Pacific Last Night

Huge magnitude 8.0 earthquakes are rare--but not as rare as you'd think

The beginning of the largest prime number ever discovered.

How Do You Discover a 17 Million Digit Prime Number?

The 48th Mersenne prime was recently discovered on the computer of a man named Dr. Curtis Cooper, and it's 17 million digits long

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