Smart News

Can You Make Tea Out of Coffee?


Scientists Finally Figure Out How Squids Mate

There are all sorts of animals that we actually have never seen get it on. Squid used to be one of them


One Man’s Seven-Year March Along Ancient Migration Routes

This past Sunday, journalist Paul Salopek began his walk from Ethiopia to Patagonia

A female H. floresiensis recreation from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.

Flores Hobbits Were Sort of Like Humans, Sort of Like Chimps, Sort of Like Tolkien’s Fantasy Beings

Archaeologists are slowly bringing "the Hobbit Human" to light as new bones turn up

Dyscalculia, Like Dyslexia for Numbers, Could Explain Why You Suck at Math

For some, knowing whether 5 is greater than 2 is a difficult task

Mouse Moms Force Mouse Dads To Care for Their Kids

Female mice have tricks for encouraging the otherwise absentee father of their offspring to care and get involved in child-tending

Apophis is the little dot in the circle.

Earth Escapes Most Dangerous Asteroid (That We Know About)

Once given a 1-in-45 chance of smacking into the Earth, the odds are now effectively zero


Preparing for a Mission to Mars Is Dangerously Boring

One of the biggest challenges to a Mars mission is just how long it takes to get there


Americans Are Drinking More Booze And Less Milk And Juice

Maybe it's the economy, or the current state of politics, or the recent boy band resurgence - but for whatever reason, Americans are putting down the milk and picking up the wine glass


The Flu That’s Laying the Country Low Waited Nine Years to Strike

It's flu season again, but this year the bug going around isn't just your average illness


The Baseball Hall of Fame Will Be Missing Some of Baseball’s Best Players Ever

For just the second time in forty years, not a single player was inducted this year. Not Barry Bonds, not Roger Clemes, not Sammy Sosa—nobody

How Dangerous Is Hitting Another Human Being With Your Head?

How much damage does head butting really do?


Raccoons Are Getting Brain Cancer From a Previously Unknown Virus

A new cancer-causing virus is affecting U.S. raccoons


Ongoing Drought Could Send the Chicago River Flowing in Reverse

Low water levels in Lake Michigan could cause the Chicago River to start flowing the other way


Stop Judging Jack Lew’s ‘Ridiculous’ Signature

Above, you can see signature of Jacob J. Lew, reportedly the top candidate to be the country’s new Treasury secretary. This scribble—a slinky? a bit of fuzz? a doodle of a caterpillar?—may be printed on every single new dollar bill. The signature is causing no shortage of judgment from media outlets like The New York Times [...]

A gonorrhea culture

Gonorrhea Mutates Into Treatment-Resistant Superbug

The world may be at the brink of an epidemic of drug-resistent gonorrhea, though simply using condoms could save the day


Now Accepting Applications for Mars Colonists

The 2023 move, by the way, is permanent

The ongoing fires as seen by astronaut Chris Hadfield

Australia is Burning, And It’s Only Going to Get Worse as the World Warms

Across Australia wildfires are raging. And yes, there is a climate connection


Therapeutic Poop Goes Synthetic

The synthetic feces is less icky than the natural variety and is a "super probiotic," aptly named RePOOPulate

Give your future and your coin to Anubis, and you’ll be spared the rigors of hard labor.

In Ancient Egypt, People Paid to Become Temple Servants

Rather than face forced labor, some ancient Egyptians gave up their futures and their coin to become temple servants

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