The squid is about 10-feet long and was spotted over half a mile below the ocean surface about 620 miles south of Tokyo
Haven't you always wanted to own a launch pad?
The Quadrantid shower is already behind us, and star gazers will have to wait until April (the start of meteor shower season) for the next big show
The rescued baby is bringing attention to Lewa's efforts to protect its ailing rhino populations that are being picked off by poachers
Banned in England until 1961, a copy of this 17th-century text is going up for auction
If you're going to win a snow battle, you've got to have a snow fort. Here's how to make the best one
Rather than tossing your tree, turn it into spruce beer
While a Martian day is only 39 minutes and 35 seconds longer than an Earth day, the differences quickly add up
A bluefin tuna goes for $3,599 per pound
The crew of Apollo 15 placed a small aluminum sculpture on the moon to memorialize those astronauts had died
Humans have loved flowers for millennia, for both their looks and their scents
Using lasers and magnets, a group of physicists pushed potassium atoms to a state colder than absolute zero
For the past decade, these two men have allegedly been smuggling narwhal tusks
This research may have a silly title, but it does answer an important question of global significance
People wrote more than 40,000 words on average last year... in email
Rosetta Stone language tapes for babies may soon usurp Beethoven as the womb soundtrack of choice
Someday those pesky fallen needles may help save lives—or at least sterilize needles for annual flu shots
A recent study finds that overweight or slightly obese people live longer than normal-weight people, but critics call foul on some of these conclusions
Mars once had a vast ocean. What would that have looked like?
How do you actually get rid of graffiti? Chemistry, of course
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