Monocles have been the chosen eyewear of our cartoon rich people for a long time now
Late December through January is the heaviest time of year for online dating websites
Feel like having your tiny human mind blown? Check out predictions for the next 10^10^10^76.66 years
Rescuers, locals and conservationists have been trying to figure out just what to with the body of a fin whale that died in Queens on Thursday
180,000 medieval manuscripts are housed in Timbuktu, and only 23,000 of those ancient writings have ever been catalogued
Computer-powered everything is coming from the creative endeavors of computer and electronics hobbyists—the ones who tinker just to see if it can be done
Listen to the first song written specifically to be performed in space
After a decade of planning, and two weeks in the field, the Lake Ellsworth drilling program was cancelled for the year
There is little more powerful than a nerd on a mission
A tiny island with little more than a lighthouse and some puffins is the center of a border disagreement
If you think Apple messed up big time, think again. The history of map making is full of far worse blunders
After Makerbot and Stasys pulled support, 3-D gun printers have found help elsewhere, and opened an online database of designs
Merging iconic space imagery with everyone's (least) favorite font
Photographers from the organization Glacier Works just captured an interactive digital image of Mount Everest in astounding, gigapixel detail
If you've ever wanted to celebrate the day after christmas by hunting down a small bird and tying it to the top of a pole, move to Ireland
"I knew that I should take his lovely little dots and make them dance"
Called a "hoot-dash" display, scientists puzzle over the purpose of this seemingly braggadocios bellow
The history of gingerbread starts as early as the 11th century
The chemistry of water gives rise to the intricate beauty of snowflakes
Have you ever wondered just how Santa delivers presents to every nice kid on Earth in just one night
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