Smart News

A Tale of Two Screams: Which Stock Horror Scream is Better?

Often, screams in horror movies come from stock files. Chances are, they're one of two stock screams: the Wilhelm or the Howie


If You Eat Too Much Silver, Your Skin Acts Like a Black-and-White Photo

A complex chemical reaction is responsible for argyria, the condition in which a person turns a deep shade of blue


Monkeys Totally Not Into PDA

Monkeys engage in "sneaky sex" to escape the burning gaze of voyeuristic bystanders


The Closest Thing in Real Life to Myst’s Wormhole Book

A hand-built computer-in-a-book lets you play Myst in a replica linking book

The Crystal Ball

Laboratory Test Shows Psychics Aren’t Psychic (But Here’s How You Can Pretend To Be)

A controlled trial found that psychics lacked sight, but here are some tricks to help you fake it

Flooding in Manhattan

In Sandy’s Wake, Watch Out for Pollution

Potentially contaminated water pooled in the streets could be a health risk


What Should New York City Do to Prepare for the Next Sandy?

After Hurricane Sandy, New York City will likely begin more seriously considering severe storm mitigation efforts


Evidence Discovered of an Ancient Tsunami on Lake Geneva

Scientists believe a rock fall triggered a 25 foot wave that devastated villages on the shores of the Swiss lake


Why Running in Mud Is a Really Bad Idea

The New York Marathon might be canceled due to the water that Sandy has dumped all over New York City. Which is probably a good thing, because running in mud and water is actually a really bad idea


What Makes Transformers Explode?

Last night, a transformer exploded at a Con Edison plant in lower Manhattan. What might have triggered it?

Don’t you want to be like this guy?

Let ‘Weird’ Al Yankovic Teach You How to Make a Good Parody

Sit back and relax while the master teaches you how to do what he does best: parody.


Safe from Sandy? Help a Hurricane Researcher

If the worst of Hurricane Sandy has passed you by and you're safe and dry, think about helping a researcher out


Why We May Not See the Next Sandy Coming

Failing weather satellites will reduce our ability to forecast and track future storms


While the East Coast Focused on Sandy, Typhoon Son-tinh Battered East Asia

Sandy was not the only tropical cyclone this week

Invasive nutria in the Southern U.S.

Guilt-Free Meat-Eating Strategy: Hunt Invasive Species

A new book describes how invasive species may provide vegetarians a welcome meat-eating freebie


To Evacuate or Not To Evacuate?

Issuing mandatory evacuation orders is an effective means of encouraging residents to leave unsafe zones, but fear mongering is more iffy


Top Ten Most Damaging U.S. Hurricanes

Surprisingly, Hurricane Katrina is not the most damaging storm on record


Scaredy Cats Unite—Not Everyone Loves Being Afraid

A big part of Halloween is getting scared, intentionally. Why in the world would anyone want that?


Some People See Their Future-Selves as Strangers

Some people see their future-selves as strangers, and thus don't plan ahead for their own old age


The Best Video Game Players Are Also the Jerkiest

How do people who are really good at these games make moral choices?

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