Smart News

Archaeologists are conducting excavations ahead of a controversial tunnel plan set to move this highway, the busy A303, underground.

Newly Unearthed Bronze Age Graves Underscore Stonehenge Tunnel's Potential Threat to Heritage

A critic of the controversial project points out that construction could lead to the loss of half a million artifacts

Podokesaurus holyokensis, lived during the Mid-Jurassic period, 195-180 million years ago, in what is now Massachusetts and could sprint up to 9 to 12 MPH.

Meet Massachusetts' Official State Dinosaur

The 'swift-footed lizard' won 60 percent of 35,000 total online votes

A number of terracotta heads were found separated from the rest of their bodies.

Cool Finds

2,000-Year-Old Terracotta Figurines of Deities, Mortals, Animals Found in Turkey

Some of the petite sculptures still bear traces of the pigments used to decorate them

Tianwen-1 is now officially in orbit around Mars.

Exploring Mars

China's Tianwen-1 Mission Successfully Begins Mars Orbit

After a few months of observing Mars from orbit, the mission will attempt to land a rover on the planet's surface

The newly discovered face cream represents the earliest known instance of a Chinese man using cosmetics.

Cool Finds

This 2,700-Year-Old Chinese Face Cream Combined Animal Fat and 'Moonmilk'

Researchers found the ancient moisturizer in a nobleman's tomb

Chien-Shiung Wu received numerous awards and honors throughout her life, including having an asteroid named after her in 1973 and receiving the National Medal of Science in 1975.

U.S. Postage Stamp Will Honor the 'First Lady of Physics'

Chien-Shiung Wu’s experiment in 1956 helped her colleagues win the Nobel Prize while her role was only mentioned in the acceptance speech

The protein RAC1 can cause some sperm to spin in circles until they die

New Research

Mice Sperm Sabotage Other Swimmers With Poison

A study in mice found that poison-spewing sperm make others swim in circles, but carry the antidote for themselves

Archaeologists uncovered the coins in 2019 but only examined them recently due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Cool Finds

Trove of 650 Coins Bearing Likenesses of Caesar, Mark Antony Unearthed in Turkey

Minted between 75 and 4 B.C., the silver currency was probably buried by a high-ranking Roman soldier during Augustus' reign

Crafted in Venice, these blue beads traveled all the way to northern Alaska in the mid-15th century.

Cool Finds

Venetian Glass Beads May Be Oldest European Artifacts Found in North America

Traders likely transported the small spheres from Italy to northern Alaska in the mid-15th century

The "jaws" of the carnivorous Venus flytrap plant are actually modified leaves.

New Research

Magnetic Fields Detected in Venus Flytraps

Researchers used sensitive instruments to measure weak magnetic fields when the flytrap's 'jaws' closed up

New high-speed footage settles a controversy over how electric charges make the connection that leads to bolts of lightning.

New Research

Super High-Speed Footage Captures the Moment a Lightning Bolt Forms

The video shows the electricity reaching from the sky and up from a lightning rod until a thin connection appears

Featured in the museum's first temporary exhibition, the Fisk Jubilee Singers introduced spirituals to audiences around the world.

A New Museum in Nashville Chronicles 400 Years of Black Music

The culmination of two decades of planning, the National Museum of African American Music opened its doors last month

Engineers working on the Hope space probe prior to launch.

Exploring Mars

The United Arab Emirates' Hope Probe Enters Into Mars Orbit

The spacecraft's successful transit makes the UAE the fifth nation to reach the Red Planet

Prisoner barracks at the Stutthof concentration camp, pictured here after liberation in May 1945

95-Year-Old Nazi Camp Secretary Charged as Accessory in 10,000 Murders

The woman, identified as Irmgard F., claims she didn't know about the mass murders taking place at Stutthof

If approved, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine could become available as soon as March.

Johnson & Johnson Applies for FDA's Emergency Use Authorization for Covid-19 Vaccine—Here's Why That Takes Time

Independent experts will review data from over 40,000 trial participants and meet on February 26 to make a recommendation

Scientists suspect that the wombat evolved this unique trait to mark its territory on rocks and logs with poop that won’t easily roll off

Wombats Poop Cubes, and Scientists Finally Got to the Bottom of It

The marsupial’s unique digestive tract forms square dung

The black sea cucumber Holothuria atra is found in shallow waters along reefs and uses sand to coat itself for camouflage and protection from the sun.

Sea Cucumber Poop Could Revitalize Coral Reefs

In one reef, three million sea cucumbers released 64,000 metric tons of nutrient-packed poo back into the ecosystem

Artist Simon Berger created the portrait by strategically hammering cracks into a pane of glass.

Kamala Harris Portrait Draws Inspiration From the Glass Ceiling She Shattered

Artist Simon Berger created the unconventional likeness of the vice president in just one day

Domínguez, who was executed by General Francisco Franco's fascist forces in 1936, was a teacher, writer and political thinker.

Is This the Body of a Woman Mayor Murdered During the Spanish Civil War?

Born into poverty, María Domínguez Remón overcame abuse to fight for women's and workers' rights

Sidewinder snakes most likely phased out the spikes along their bellies in favor of a smoother belly that can move with no frictional drag.

Snakeskin Reveals Secrets Behind a Sidewinder's Twisted Wiggle

Serpent bellies seem smooth, but on a microscopic level, their species-specific scale structures may show how they adapted to their environments

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