Smart News

MASTODON MAXIMUS. CUV. [Cuvier]; Orra White Hitchcock (1796–1863); Amherst, Massachusetts; 1828–1840; pen and ink and watercolor wash on cotton, with woven tape binding

Art Meets Science

Art, Science and Religion Blend in Exhibition Honoring Illustrator Orra White Hitchcock

Orra’s paintings and drawings depict the natural world in colorful detail

Salvador Dalí, "Gala Placidia. Galatea of the Spheres," 1952


Why Gala Dalí—Muse, Model and Artist—Was More Than Just Salvador’s Wife

Barcelona exhibition draws on 315 artifacts to unravel the myths behind central surrealist figure

Tracey Emin, "Death Mask," 2002

This Initiative Is Loaning Artwork Back to the Communities They're Most Associated With

Britain's National Portrait Gallery's 'Coming Home' initiative will loan portraits to the towns and cities most closely associated with their subjects

Elephants relax at the Jejane watering hole, with no bees in sight.

New Research

How the Scent of Angry Bees Could Protect Elephants

A new study shows elephants fear bee pheromones, and this fact could keep the pachyderms out of crops

Trending Today

Europe Applies Strict Regulations to CRISPR Crops

A court has ruled that plants modified with CRISPR technology are subject to the restrictions of the 2001 GMO Directive

Photograph of Lulu Adams in the 1940s

Black and Female Circus Artists Take Center Ring in New Museum Show

“Circus! Show of Shows” at the U.K.’s Weston Park Museum reveals how the circus was shaped by diverse groups of performers

A "fossil" that was baked in a lab in about 24 hours.

Scientists Baked a "Fossil" in 24 Hours

The simulation could help researchers gain new insight into the fossilization process—without having to wait 10,000 years

"Big Man" Elbert Howard

Black Panther Co-Founder Elbert 'Big Man' Howard Dies at 80

Howard was a key Panther organizer and played an important role in community activism

Rosa Parks lived in her brother's Detroit home after fleeing the south

Rosa Parks’ Detroit Home Is Now Up for Auction

Parts of the tiny home where the civil rights activist lived with 17 family members are expected to sell for between $1 and $3 million

An eroded area of the Medusae Fossae Formation.

New Research

Most of Mars' Dust Comes From One Place

Erosion of the Medusae Fossae Formation has, over billions of years, likely covered the entire planet in 10 feet of volcanic dust

Ducky day care

Why a Female Duck Was Spotted with a Huge Brood of 76 Ducklings

Think of it as ducky day care

"Portrait of Harriet Tubman," 1868-69

Library of Congress Puts Spotlight on 440 Snapshots Culled From Archive of 14 Million

About 300 of the images have been newly digitized, and 200 of these are free for public use

Mars' south polar cap as it appeared to the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on April 17, 2000. Strong evidence of an underground lake was found nearby.

Compelling Evidence Suggests There's a Liquid Lake Beneath Mars' Surface

But do the findings hold water?

Brookhaven National Laboratory, which could host the new beam.

Trending Today

Scientists Give New Particle Accelerator the Thumbs Up

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine endorses the $1 billion Electron-Ion Collider

Cool Finds

1,000-Year-Old Handprint From "Europe's Lost People" Discovered In Scotland

The mark was left by a Pictish coppersmith at Swandro, a site in the Orkney Islands that is quickly washing into the sea

Sold: A Rare Copy of Ada Lovelace’s Groundbreaking Computer Algorithm

The manuscript includes Lovelace’s translation of an Italian paper, her copious notes and a formula that is often recognized as the first computer program

An artist's rendering of the Lingwu Amazing Dragon

Cool Finds

‘Amazing Dragon’ Fossils Unearthed in China Rewrite Story of Long-Necked Dinosaurs

The dino family emerged 15 million years earlier than previously thought

New Research

People Were Messing Around In Texas at Least 2,500 Years Earlier Than Previously Thought

Pre-Clovis projectile points and other artifacts at the Gault Site date back 16,000 years ago or even earlier

The "dense garbage carpet" that is washing onto Montesinos Beach in Santo Domingo

Waves of Garbage Are Washing onto a Beach in the Dominican Republic

The trash was pushed onto Montesinos Beach by a recent storm, but environmentalists say the scene is becoming all the more common

Willem de Kooning photographed in studio

Art Dealer Discovers Six Alleged Willem de Kooning Paintings in New Jersey Storage Locker

Boxes labeled with artist's name were found among the 200 abandoned works

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