Artists are up in arms over Anish Kapoor’s exclusive rights to "vantablack"
Could a warm winter make the famous sled race go to the dogs?
The bazaar has withstood at least seven fires and several major earthquakes
Flubendiamide is used in about 200 crops like almonds and soybeans
The prints could have held symbolic meaning for Stone Age humans
But Operation Bernhard never made it rain
You won’t find coffee pods in its government buildings
A new neural network is better than humans at sussing out the location of a picture
A new study identifies 25 ways to tell if your kitty isn’t feeling well
Only a handful of the country's sculptures honor women
The leap year has a long history, stretching all the way back to 46 B.C.E.
Enormous pits and frozen valleys straddle Pluto’s northern hemisphere
Read about everything from her meditations on the Civil Rights Movement to her recipe for "featherlite" peanut butter pancakes
The world’s smallest penguin is struggling to find fish in warmer waters
Scans of the famous sculpture are free for the taking
Chinese officials want to ditch the country's bizarre architecture
With new insights into radio waves, scientists may be able to measure the mass of the universe
There was a dire need for painters to immortalize America’s elites
The brave explorer likely found solace in his library
Researchers record a chorus of deep sea animals as they migrate through the ocean
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