Smart News

Even Babies Can Be Depressed

For a long time, people didn't believe that children could become depressed, but they certainly can

An Aztec calendar sun stone

Oxford University Is Older Than the Aztecs

The historical timeline you keep in your head is all messed up

Being Around Predators Changes the Shape of This Fish’s Penis

Armadillos have bony plates, stick bugs evolved camouflage, and the Bahamas mosquitofish evolved a bigger penis

America’s Chinatowns Are Disappearing

For many, Chinatowns are an attraction to a city - and many cities boast about their robust cultural neighborhoods

Hurricane Phailin approaching India last night

Hurricane Phailin Is As Strong as Katrina, Twice as Wide as Sandy And About to Devastate India

India is bracing for what is potentially the strongest hurricane they've ever seen


Hibernating Turtles Are Still Aware of What’s Going on Around Them

Researchers assumed they entered a coma-like condition during winter hibernation, but turtles are paying attention to the things that matter most

The Earliest Libraries-on-Wheels Looked Way Cooler Than Today’s Bookmobiles

These traveling libraries used to travel around bringing books to the people


Astronaut Scott Carpenter, the Second American to Orbit the Planet, Dies at 88

John Glenn, who was a close friend to Carpenter, is now the last surviving astronaut from NASA's Project Mercury, the original space program

China’s 3,000 Cemeteries Will Run Out of Space in Just Six Years

China may have the world's largest population, but the country is not alone in its burial woes

How We Spot Friends in the Crowd Before Being Able to See Their Face

Facial recognition is already very much in place in all sorts of ways, from Facebook to surveillance cameras. Perhaps now they'll add body recognition too


There’s a New Breed of Botulism, And We Don’t Have a Cure for It

It's new, it's deadly, and it fights off our best anti-toxins

Where Did the Word Asteroid Really Come From?

It wasn't until the 1850's that the word was accepted by scientists. Today, we use the word all the time. We just credit the wrong guy for its invention

An artist’s idea of what PSO J318.5-22 may look like

This Baby Rogue Planet Is Wandering the Universe All by Itself

This planet, six times bigger than Jupiter, is sailing through space just 80 light-years away


In Ancient Rome, Purple Dye Was Made from Snails

By boiling them in lead vats, purple dye was extracted from snails to make Tyrian purple

The Nobel Prize medal

Blame Sloppy Journalism for the Nobel Prizes

Sloppy journalism and a early obituary may have prompted Nobel to try to rewrite his legacy

Plants and animals living in the tropics will be pushed out of their natural temperature range the fastest.

What Does “Unprecedented Climate” Mean?

Starting in just 30 years, the coldest year will still be hotter than any year in the past 150 years


Times of Famine Linked to Disproportionate Number of Female Births

Cultural factors like selective abortions de not explain the trend, rather it seems evolutionary biology does

Ancient Women Artists May Be Responsible for Most Cave Art

Previously, most researchers assumed that the people behind these mysterious artworks must have been men, but they were wrong

Want Your Mugshot Off the Internet? You’ll Have to Pay Up

Some companies are profiting off of mugshots - posting them on the internet for sale

Cockroaches Stick to Different Neighborhoods Just Like New Yorkers Do

Cockroaches from the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side and nearby Roosevelt Island all have a distinctly different genetic makeup from one another

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