Smart News

Football Team Losses Make Fans Eat Their Feelings

A fan's closeness to his team may be so tied up in his personal identity that his body interprets the loss as an effrontery to his own psyche

Luca Parmitano Shared Exactly How It Feels to Start Drowning in Space

During a spacewalk, the Italian astronaut's helmet filled with water

Kumquat-Eating Crocodilians: Crocs And Gators Love Their Fruits and Veggies

Grapes and berries, fruit and veggies--crocodiles and alligators eat more than meat

The grizzly bear, known as No. 122, eating the corpse of a black bear.

It’s a Bear-Eat-Bear World Out There, Literally

Hikers were startled when they came across a grizzly eating a black bear

Most of China’s Infamous Black Carbon Smog Comes From Cars And Cook Fires

Surprisingly, until now authorities struggled to pinpoint the main pollution culprits behind the black carbon, or soot

Zombie Pigeons Are Invading Moscow

In humans, the offending disease produces mild sniffles and flu-like symptoms, not an undead stupor or craving for flesh

An artist’s rendition of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer

Back From the Dead: Mothballed Telescope to Hunt for Killer Asteroids

Following the scare from the Russian meteor, an asteroid hunting telescope is brought back online

Blind People Can Still Identify Race (And Be Racist)

People's idea of race has far less to do with what people look like, and far more to do with what society teaches us about what people are like

The Last of the Watergate Tapes Show Just How Weasely Nixon Was

Nixon's public declarations and his private communications were a bundle of contradictions

There’s Now Evidence That Other Europeans Beat the Vikings to the North Atlantic

Someone, and we don't know who, beat the Vikings to the Faroe Islands by as much as 500 years


To Control Feral Cat Populations, Cut the Tubes of Dominant Males

Rather than taking the goods entirely from feral cats, researchers now propose vasectomies are the way to go

Watch This Sinkhole Swallow a Chunk of Louisiana Bayou Whole

The hole has been name the Bayou Corne Sinkhole, and has already forced the evacuation of 300 nearby residents, lest they also be swallowed into the swamp

This Astronomer Recreated Starry Night with Hubble Space Photos

Alex Parker used the top 100 images from the Hubble Space telescope to create his rendition of Starry Night

Damaged goods

Just Denting an Aluminum Can Makes People Less Likely to Recycle It

Cutting up paper, too.

LinkedIn Has a Pitch for Teens: Create a Profile You Actually Want to Show Colleges

LinkedIn's grand scheme is to modernize the college application process, but first it has to convince teens to sign up for an account


Queen Guitarist Brian May Explains Exactly How Bohemian Rhapsody Was Made

Hear, piece-by-piece, how one of the greatest rock songs was put together

No, Scientists Have Not Developed Hangover-Free Beer

Scientists added electrolytes to beer, which might help drinkers retain fluids but won't necessarily keep the hangover away

The Fukushima Nuclear Plant Is Leaking, Again

Despite efforts to contain the leak, around 80,000 gallons of water has managed to escape so far and the problem seems to be getting worse, not better

China Will Stop Harvesting Organs From Prisoners in November

China is the last to give up the practice, one that human rights organizations and the World Health Organization have been pushing against for years

Chemists Determine the Perfect Way to Melt Cheese on Toast

The answer comes from a collaboration between the Royal Society of Chemistry and the British Cheese Board

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