Smart News


This 19th-Century Politician Never Thought He’d Be Outed for Vandalizing an Egyptian Temple

Unlike a Chinese youth shamed for the markings he left on an Egyptian Temple, Luther Bradish got away guilt-free with his sneaky bid at immortality


So Long Chris Hadfield, Thanks for All the Fish

Chris Hadfield, the 53-year old astronaut superstar, is retiring

How a Dog Virus Could Wipe Out Tigers


People Don’t Seem to Get What ‘Designated Driver’ Means

A new study found that around 40 percent of designated drivers drink, and almost 20 percent do so to the point that their own ability to drive may be impaired

Gold Nanoparticles May Be the Future of Male Contraception

A twist in the on-going quest for a male contraceptive


Prosthetic Pinkies for Former Yakuzas Are a Booming Business

One sign of former yakuza-dom is harder to cover up: missing pinkies


This New Sperm Bank for Honey Bees Could Help Fight Colony Collapse Disorder

By boosting bees' genetic diversity, this sperm bank could make American bees stronger

Is It True That More People Have Been in Space Than Seen a Siberian Tiger in the Wild?

The logo for the NSA’s PRISM project

400 Words to Get Up to Speed on Edward Snowden, the NSA And Government Surveillance

NSA's PRISM, monitoring the internet, and the recent history of domestic surveillance


Why Microwaving Water for Tea Is a Bad Idea

Apparently there are a lot of things us novice tea makers are doing wrong. A big one is using the microwave to heat up our water


E-Readers Don’t Cut Down on Reading Comprehension

Recent research says that reading comprehension on an e-reader and electronic screen is just as good as with paper


These Little Circles Are Characters in the First Comic Book for Blind People

The project's story follows the life of three people, represented by dots


Today Is National Doughnut Day

Yes, this is a real holiday. Yes, it means free doughnuts

A Galactic GPS System That’s Now in the Works Could Help Our Descendants Navigate Through the Universe

The International Space Station aims to be testing out an interplanetary GPS system by 2017

‘Whoomp! (There It Is)’ Still Makes $500,000 a Year

Hummingbird Feathers Reverberate Like Violin Strings Creating Unique Songs


The Earliest Known Primate Weighed Less Than a Golf Ball

The primate's Latin name translates as "ancient monkey," and the fossil is about 7 million years old

Dead Male Guppies Can Make Babies

Female Trinidadian guppies store sperm from males that they mated with and use it to make babies long after the males they mated with died


This One Picture Shows How We’re Causing Climate Change

Atmospheric greenhouse concentrations are going up. But where do those gases come from?

A pair of romantic southern bottletail squids.

Female Squid Use Sperm for Both Reproducing And Snacking

Females may even be eating sperm from unattractive males and fertilizing their eggs with sperm from their favorite mates.

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