Smart News


There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Living Fossil’

Though Darwin coined the term 'living fossil,' if he were around today he'd probably agree that it's time to retire it


This Board Game Is Designed For People to Play 2,700 Years Into the Future

That is assuming, of course, that humans manage to stick around in time for the big unveiling event

iPods and sperm, America’s favorite exports.

America May Be the World’s Top Exporter of Sperm

The United States may be the world's largest exporter of sperm

Meditation May Make You Nicer

Around 50 percent of people who recently meditated gave up their seat for a person in crutches compared to just 15 percent of people who had not meditated


Watch How Fast the Insane Snout of the Star-Nosed Mole Can Move

To many, the star nosed mole is alternatively horrifying and fascinating, but have you ever seen the little rodent's face in action?

In 1794, troops armed by the 1792 Militia Act partook in suppressing Pennsylvania’s Whiskey Rebellion.

A Georgia Town Is Requiring Gun Ownership. So Did the Founding Fathers.

A Georgia town may have just mandated gun ownership, but early Americans had the same idea back in 1792


What Is the BRAIN Initiative, Anyway?

The Obama administration hopes to do for brains what the Human Genome Project did for genetics

This Sea Lion Can Keep Time With the Backstreet Boys

Ronan the sea lion can keep a beat, something sea lions weren't supposed to be able to do

If Your Plane is Going Down, It’s Better to Sit in the Back

Discovery TV crashed a Boeing 727 in the Sonoran desert to answer the question: where's the safest place in the plane?


Now Poachers Are Sawing Off Elephant Tusks in Museums

A plague of rhino horn and elephant tusk thefts to feed the wildlife black market continues in museums across Europe


Shroud 2.0: A High-Tech Look at One of Christianity’s Most Important Artifacts

The Shroud of Turin? There's an app for that


Oil Pipeline Spills Heavy Crude in Arkansas

More than 12,000 barrels of oil spilled on Mayflower, Ark.

How That Annoying Drone From Inception Took Over Movie Trailers

There's this weird, droney sound that nearly every action movie seems to employ. But where did it come from?


Stop Trying to Live Like a Caveman

Modern humans are doing it all wrong - they eat wrong, they run wrong, they work wrong, they get married wrong. But is the life of cave people really what we should be striving for?


People Who Never Apologize Are Probably Happier Than You

That childhood distaste for saying you're sorry hasn't gone away as an adult - not apologizing still makes us feel much better than apologizing does


This Microbe Isn’t Either Male or Female, It Has Seven Options to Choose Between

This little protozoa has seven different "mating types"

Maybe Cleopatra Didn’t Commit Suicide

Her murder, one author thinks, was covered up behind a veil of propaganda and lies put forth by the Roman Empire


Public for the First Time: A Last Letter from Dying Antarctic Explorer Captain Scott

In private hands for the past hundred years, Captain Scott's final letter is revealed


No Question: A T. Rex Would Beat You in Arm Wrestling

T. Rex may be ridiculed for her puny chicken-leg arms, but don't be deceived: this dinosaur was ripped from head to claw


Why Is North Korea Pointing Its Missiles at American Bases?

The U.S. sent stealth bombers to the Korean Peninsula. North Korea didn't like that

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