Smart News


Timbuktu’s Priceless Manuscripts Are Safe After All

Rebels set fire to the library, but the precious documents were already gone


Searching for the Russian Loch Ness Monster in a Frozen Siberian Lake

In a record-breaking dive, the head of the Russian Geographical Society sunk to the bottom of Lake Labynkyr in Siberia, one of the coldest lakes in the world


Scientists Think They’ve Found Richard III’s Body Under a Parking Lot

Researchers announced this morning that the bones found beneath a parking lot in England are likely those of King Richard III

Grand Central Terminal Turns 100

The iconic New York building, which celebrates its 100th birthday this weekend, has a storied past


This Japanese Theater Company Has a Robot Actress

No, it’s not Brent Spiner. It's an honest-to-goodness robot


Quantum Physicists Show What Time Travel Could Look Like

Quantum physics professors at the University of Ulm in Germany, have created a mathematically-accurate visual approximation of the hypothetical Gödel model of the universe. That is, they show what it would look like if you could simultaneously see past, present, and future versions of physical objects. Sandrine Ceurstemont of New Scientist, who compiled the video [...]

Andy Warhol’s Having a Really Big Few Months

Athletes Are Exceptionally Fast Visual Learners

Professional football, hockey, soccer and rugby players significantly better than amateurs or non-athletes at processing fast-moving, complicated scenes

‘Beatrice the Swabia’ is a baby Coquerel’s sifaka

Lemurs Are the Most Endangered Mammals on the Planet, And This Adorable Baby Is Their Future

The vast majority of lemur species are facing extinction, but this baby Coquerel's safika is trying to help


The FBI Once Freaked Out About Nazi Monks in the Amazon Rainforest

In October 1941, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover received a strange bit of war intelligence in a classified document


New Research Disproves Prehistoric Killer-Comet Theory (Again)

Maybe the problem here is that other prevailing theories of the Clovis’ decline are just super boring by comparison

A New Disease, a New Reason to Hate And Fear Ticks

A worrisome new tick-borne disease, similar to Lyme disease but caused by a different microbe, turned up in 18 patients in southern New England


New X-Ray Technology To Reveal Secrets Beneath a Rembrandt Masterpiece

By 1984, conservators had discovered that there was, indeed, another figure hidden beneath the Old Man in Military Costume, but they haven't been able to see who it is


Riding a Hundred-Foot Wave, Surfer Breaks His Own World Record

Garrett McNamara said he felt awe, joy and excitement as the massive wall of water approached - but no fear

China’s Air Pollution Is So Bad That One Entrepreneur Is Selling Fresh Air in Cans

It’s a bleak state of affairs indeed when a Mel Brooks schtickfest from the '80s actually predicts the future


Just a Nibble of Chocolate Is Enough to Satiate Cravings

Larger portions lead to increased grazing, but there's no benefit when it comes to banishing cravings.

Americans Buy So Many Wings, They’re Now the Most Expensive Part of the Chicken

Each February, the nation's thirst for chicken wings hits the roof, making the delicate wing the most expensive bit of the bird


U.S. Military Wants to Recruit the Smartest Dogs by Scanning Their Brains

The theory is that, by scanning a dog’s level of neural response to various stimuli, including handler cues, the researchers will be able to identify the dogs that will be the quickest learners and therefore the easiest to train


Some Microbes Are So Resilient They Can Ride Hurricanes

By comparison, other lifeforms such as fungal spores and pollen don’t thrive nearly as well as the microbes, the survey found.


People Have Been Eating Curry for 4,500 Years

Thanks to new research methods and a pile of (very old) dirty dishes, archaeologists have discovered the very ancient origins of a globally popular cuisine.

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