Smart News


Ramses III’s Mummy Reveals the Pharaoh’s Throat Was Slit

Ramses III's death has always been a mystery, but new evidence just emerged the the Pharaoh's throat was slit, likely by members of his harem


Prolonged Drought Could Shut Down Shipping on the Mighty Mississippi

This time last year the Mississippi around St. Louis was 20 feet deeper

Entire Microbe Communities Live Up in the Clouds

Thousands of feet above your head, microbes are living—and reproducing—in the tiny drops of water that make up clouds

Crayfish Have Been Secretly Spreading a Deadly Frog Epidemic

The more we can learn about how chytrid fungus spreads and attacks, the better chances we have at saving the world's amphibians

The IPCC’s famous “hocket stick” chart of global temperatures.

Is the U.N. Climate Report More Trouble Than It’s Worth?

Several mainstream scientists are expressing doubts about the necessity of the IPCC reports

Images A, C, E and G show the new species E. bazinga, the others the E. ignita.

A Brand New Bee Was Just Named After Sheldon From ‘The Big Bang Theory’

Andre Nemesio and his team just named a brand new orchid bee Euglossa bazinga, after the catch phrase used by Sheldon Cooper


NASA Assures Us the World Won’t End on Friday

NASA points out the illogic of this apocalypse scenario and misconceptions that caused the false notion of an end-of-the-world prophesy to come about


Not Even Canadians Are Likely To Get a White Christmas This Year

The odds of a white Christmas has dropped 15% in recent decades


Tornado Power: Green Energy of the Future?

Paypal co-founder and early Facebook investor Peter Thiel just gave a small $300,000 startup grant to a Canadian researcher trying to harness power from man-made tornados


One of the World’s Oldest Bibles Is Now Online

An ancient Greek Bible is now available online


Rasputin Was Murdered Today in 1916

It's still a mystery who exactly orchestrated and carried out the deed


Soon There Should Be Fewer Microscopic Soot Particles in the Air

The Obama administration just set new limits on soot from smoke stacks and diesel engines, a type of air pollution linked to early death and higher rates of heart attacks, strokes and lung diseases

If Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit Looks Weird to You, Blame the Guy Who Created Oakley Sunglasses

The Hobbit was shot on a RED camera developed by sunglass mogle Jim Jannard


There’s an Explanation for What’s Killing Thousands of Squid in California

For residents of the central California coast there might finally be an explanation for why thousands of dead squid have littered their beaches this week

Is This Hans Christian Andersen’s First Fairy Tale?

A historian in Denmark may have discovered Hans Christian Andersen's first fairy tale ever


Even Mummy Doctors Forgot Tools in Their Patients Sometimes

Researchers examining the brains of mummies have found a small tool that was used during embalming, left behind after the procedure


This Nostalgic Private Collection Has 1,713 Photos of Old-Fashioned Cans, Jars and Clippings

Flickr user Roadsidepictures offers hundreds of images of vintage product packaging spanning most of the 20th century


The First Nativity Scene Was Created in 1223

Nativity buffs will also note that the familiar cast of characters relied upon today is not biblically accurate


T Minus Three Days Until NASA Sends Two Satellites Crashing Into the Moon

After orbiting the moon for nearly a year, two satellites are being sent to their deaths


To Treat Drug Dependency, Doctors Are Burning Off Chunks of Addicts’ Brains

Through surgical means, doctors burn away the parts of the brain that deal with pleasure and motivation.

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