Smart News

A DNA molecule

Cracking the Code of the Human Genome

Humans Have Been Evolving Like Crazy Over the Past Few Thousand Years

The past 5 to 10 thousand years have seen a surge in human genetic diversity


The Strange Things We Do To Keep Our Food Cold

Whether it was shipped to you from somewhere, stored in a warehouse, or sold nice and chilly, over 3/4 of the food we eat has been commercially refrigerated

For Adults, TV Can Serve the Same Role as an Imaginary Friend


Prepare to Be Amazed: Is That a Rubik’s Cube or a Drawing?

From the correct angle, you'd swear that these are three-dimensional objects

Like Snowbirds Heading to Florida, Galapagos Tortoises Head to the Mountains for the Cold Season

Birds do it, butterflies do it, and now, we know that Galapagos giant tortoises do it, too - but why?

Divers explore Kauai’s reefs

A Mysterious Disease Is Killing Hawaii’s Coral

Conservationists and divers alike are on edge over a mysterious disease sweeping through coral reefs in Kauai


Eating Whale Meat Is Going Out of Vogue in Japan

Whale meat elicits a "meh" response from young Japanese these days, but global citizens continue to cry foul


The First Use of OMG Was in a 1917 Letter to Winston Churchill

This jewel of a letter reveals the first usage of the now-ubiquitous OMG

Schematic drawings for the transforming robot

A Real, Working Transformer Robot!

This remote-controlled car turns into a walking, missile-shooting robot

Bacteria reside amongst the icy brine from Lake Vida.

Bacterial Life Abounds in Antarctic Lake, Cut Off From the World for 2,800 Years

From a frozen Antarctic lake, researchers pulled samples teeming with bacteria


Getting the Prosthetic Is Easy, Compared to Getting It To Do What You Want


How Seriously Might Climate Negotiators Be Dooming The Rest of Us This Week?

The COP18 climate change conference is going on in Doha, Qatar until December 7th


This Robot Is a Better Dad Than Your Dad

Disney is building a robot that can play catch


Your Hotel Key Is Totally Hackable

Recently, thieves exploited a hack of those magnetic stripped cards to break into several rooms at a Hyatt in Houston, and your hotel could be next


Elon Musk’s Plan for Mars Is Really Vague But Definitely Expensive

Like any self-respecting space entrepreneur, Elon Musk has a plan for a Mars colony


Ambient Noise Spurs Creativity

Modest ambient noise - like that found in a coffee shop or cafe - triggers the part of our brain responsible for abstract and creative thinking


These Geometrical Shapes Are Diagrams of Human Consciousness

A late 19th century New Zealand psychologist attempted to depict various states of consciousness with geometric shapes

Scientist and explorer A. E. Nordenskiöld first navigated the Northeast Passage in 1878.

Gas Tanker to Cross Autumn Arctic Ocean Carrying Natural Gas to Japan

A tanker, carrying natural gas to Japan, has set out on a dangerous autumn trip through the Northeast Passage


Voluntary Guidelines Aren’t Enough To Prevent Deaths From Bed Rails

At least 150 people have died in bed rail-related incidents over the past 9 years

Antarctic Animals Are Dissolving

Scientists have warned about ocean acidification for years, but now it's actually happening

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