Smart News


Designing Bandaids that Stick When Wet Based on Gecko Feet

Scientists are unlocking the secrets behind tiny adhesive structures in gecko toes in the hopes of designing new technologies


This Weekend Is Prime Time for Meteor Watching

Between midnight and dawn on any night this coming weekend (for those in the US, times vary for others), look up, turn to the northeast, and admire the annual show of the Perseid meteor shower.

Great Wall of China Collapses After Torrential Rains

Flooding fueled by heavy rains brought down a 36 meter long stretch of the Great Wall of China

Celebrating 80 Years of LEGO

Children and hobbyists rejoice - today is Lego's 80th birthday

Once-Hurricane Ernesto is currently passing over Mexico as a tropical storm

Get Ready for a Bunch of Hurricanes Between Now and November, Says NOAA

This year's hurricane season has started with a whimper, but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration expects it to go out with a bang


Why People Won’t Leave the Town that Has Been On Fire for Fifty Years

For the residents of Centralia, Pennsylvania, the fire that has been burning beneath their town for fifty years is part of what makes it home.


Olympic Hurdling Record Broken in 1.5 Seconds – On Google Doodle

Programmers use a few lines of code to crack the Google Doodle hurdling puzzle. The rest of us still press the arrow keys frantically.

Shannon Eastin is not in this picture, but she might be soon.

Meet the First Woman to Referee an NFL Game

Shannon Eastin, the first woman to ever referee an NFL game, got her stripes last night.


The Olympic Salute We Don’t Use Anymore Because it Looked too Much Like Heiling Hitler

Saluting Hitler and saluting the Olympics look basically identical, which is why you never see anybody saluting the Olympics anymore.


Fly Through a Gigantic 3D Model of the Universe


Mining Company to Start Digging up the Ocean Floor

Dubai’s man-made Jumeirah Islands.

If We All Lived Like UAE Citizens, We’d Need 5.4 Earths

Tim De Chant's Per Square Mile answers through infographics: How much land would 7 billion people need to live like the people of these countries?

How Olympic Bodies Have Changed Over Time

From 1929 to now, how do former Olympic champions compare to today's athletes?


These People are Turning Themselves into Cyborgs in their Basement

At the intersection of body hacking and transhumanism is a group of people trying to enhance the human body. And they're doing it in their basement.


Science Teachers Guilty of Releasing Invasive Species

New research finds that one out of four science educators in the U.S. and Canada released lab animals into the wild after they were done using them in the classroom, introducing a surprising but potentially serious pathway for invasives to take hold in new locales.


The History of the Exclamation Point

Everyone likes to complain that we're using too many exclamation points these days. Here's where the punctuation came from.

Images of Paris the researchers used to tease out the city’s essence.

New Tech Identifies that Special ‘Je Ne Sais Quoi’ That Makes Paris Paris

Science provides an answer on what details in an urban street scene clue people in on what city it is from.

Pottery beakers were used to hold the “Black Drink”.

Archaeologists Discover 1000-Year Old Hyper-Caffeinated Tea in Illinois

Unearthed from a site near modern day St. Louis, Missouri, archaeologists found tea residue in pottery beakers that dates back to as early as 1050 A.D.

Iconic American Buffalo are Actually Part Cow

Though plains bison are icons of America's cowboy past and rugged West, research findings show that most of the buffalo have cow ancestors from the 1800s


The Man who “Discovered” Cold Fusion Just Passed Away

Martin Fleischmann, who in 1989 claimed to have discovered cold fusion, died in his home in England on Friday, August 3rd, following a long battle with Parkinson's disease.

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