Smart News

A mosaic of Hercules with pet Cerberus.

How Ancient Greeks Named Their Puppies

To the ancient Greeks, just like today, picking a name for your new pup was an important step. But the process was a little more peculiar back then


This One Beautiful Video Sums Up All of Space Shuttle History


Synthetic Bacteria Could Turn Ocean Garbage into One Big Island

New Gene Provides Link Between Stress and Depression

How Our Food System Could Be Radically Better in 2032


Quantum Computing Now At Least Vaguely Plausible


Thinking About Your Own Demise Inspires Environmentalism


Viking’s Most Powerful City Unearthed in Northern Germany

Archaeologists working in northern Germany may have found one of the most important cities in Viking history—Sliasthorp, where once sat Scandanavian kings

Oscar Pistorius

Double-Amputee Oscar Pistorius Will Compete In Olympics 400 Meter Race Without Qualifying

More than 18,000 acres burned in Waldo Canyon.

Here’s What $110 Million in Fire Damage Looks Like

The Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado was the most destructive in the state's history

Karl Marx

Marxism Is Cool Again


North Carolina Rep Pushes Wrong Button and Approves Fracking in the State

Fracking can go ahead in North Carolina, all because one tired legislator pushed the wrong button


Today is Actually the 1700th Anniversary of the Bikini, not the 66th

July 5th, 1946 is classically regarded as the birth date of what we now call the bikini. But that version of history misses the long view


What if Newton’s Principia Mathematica, Published Today, Had Been in Comic Sans?

The rage over CERN's font choice drives the question: How would the world have reacted to Newton's world-changing tome had Comic Sans existed at the time?

Dust jacket of the book Mein Kampf, written by Adolf Hitler.

Germans un-Kampf-ortable With Reissue of Hitler’s Tome

Starting in 2015, Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf will once again be available to German readers

Goodness gracious, a great ball of fire

17 Minutes of Fireworks Go Off in 15 Seconds

Yesterday, in the San Diego Bay, a fireworks show meant to last 17 minutes went off in 15 seconds


U.S. & Europe are Hotspots for Deadly Emerging Diseases

Frog Daddy Raises Babies in Throat, Spits Them Out When Ready

The blue marble

Beautiful New Earth-From-Space Footage from NASA

Are Millennials Too Strung Out on Antidepressants to Even Know Who They Are?

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