Smart News


What’s the Difference Between Clinically Dead, Figuratively Dead and Just Plain Dead?

Simulation of a detection of the Higgs boson in the CMS experiment

Finally, For Real, We (May Have) Found the God Particle

Microoptics of the AWARE2 camera

Gigapixel Camera Takes 11-Foot Wide Photos in 0.01 Seconds


Yankees Fans Actually Do Keep Their Enemies Closer — In Their Minds, At Least


Want to Be Healthy? Manage Your Microbes Like a Wildlife Park

50 Years of Longline Fishermen Throwing Out the Endangered Half of Their Catch


Nothing Unhealthy About McDonalds, Says Head Chef

Beautiful Infographic Charts Ugly Reality of Species Loss


On the Solstice, People in the Tropics Cast No Shadow

Glasses Let Doctors, Poker Players See Your Blood


Today is Juneteenth, the Most Important Holiday No One Knows About

Artist: Deittrich von Lichtensteig, c. 1411

The Black Death Never Left – And It Might Defeat Our Best Defenses

20 Years Ago, Even America Believed the World Could Save the Environment

A Brief History of Abject Failure in Tablet Computing

Stunning View of Arctic Could Be Last of its Kind

As Voyager Exits Solar System, Sole Proof of Humanity a 70s Record

LIU Yang visited the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 12 August 2012

China’s First Woman Astronaut: Progress or Propaganda?


What the Taliban and Jenny McCarthy Have in Common


430 Square Foot Apartment Isn’t Too Small for Indoor/Outdoor Shower


Things That Humans Did Not Invent (Including Art)

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