Titled "The Age of Maturity," the artwork may reflect the sculptor's turbulent relationship with Auguste Rodin, her mentor and lover
An eagle enthusiast has been lobbying for the designation for years. On Christmas Eve, President Biden signed legislation making it official
The skyward show will produce many shooting stars from the evening of January 2 into the early morning hours of January 3—here’s how to make the most of the fleeting celestial event
On January 1, 2025, copyrights will expire for books, films, comic strips, musical compositions and other creative works from 1929, as well as sound recordings from 1924
Officials thought the brand-new Iroquois Theater was fireproof and designed for maximum safety. The scope of the tragedy and the ensuing panic quickly proved them wrong
The mass murder made sensational news at the time, but getting to the heart of the matter took a much deeper view of American history
Published on this day in 1973, "The Gulag Archipelago" drew on Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's experiences as a political dissident in a prison camp, but it left him deported and stateless for the next two decades
The year's most exciting discoveries included musket balls fired in the early days of the American Revolution, a lost composition by Mozart and a medieval chess piece
Darwin was just 22 when he set out on a voyage that would change the way humanity understands itself and the natural world
Nearly a year after the controversial plans to replace six original windows were first announced, the French government unveils the winning plans by artist Claire Tabouret
With their arrival in America, the Beatles ushered in a new era of hyper-popular rock ’n’ roll music
Named Charlotte, the animal was hit by a boat years ago, causing him to develop an affliction that traps air bubbles at the back of his shell
From animal journeys across oceans to the discovery of dozens of new species in the deep sea, these stories wowed us
The monument was built during a period of immigration from mainland Europe, and it may been intended to unify communities across the British Isles
After official attempts at a World War I truce failed, soldiers in the trenches of the Western Front took it upon themselves to share in the bonhomie of the season
Found beneath a building in the town of Alkmaar, the animal bones had been used to fill in gaps between crumbling pieces of tile
In a new study, researchers use novel techniques to uncover more accurate life expectancy estimates of southern and North Atlantic right whales
The Parker Solar Probe will endure scorching temperatures of 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit as it performs the closest solar flyby of any human-made object in history
Dating to the fifth or sixth century B.C.E., the vessel could provide new insights into the relationship between the ancient Greeks and Carthaginians
The hidden creatures were found in a densely populated region known for its successful—and controversial—conservation tactics
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