Americans are “confident that individual actions can help the environment,” while simultaneously, “trailing the rest of the world in sustainable behavior.”
Two New York City jewelers, caught with $2 million worth of illegal ivory, plead guilty to charges of commercializing wildlife
Forget wind, solar and even seaweed. Renewable energy is getting down and dirty...with dirt!
Should we hunt down and kill man-eaters?
Stubborn climate skeptic hold-outs now face more than just the rest of the world's scorn: Their towns might not be on the map in a few years
E. coli, the most common cause of urinary tract infections, has been growing resistant to antibiotics, and chickens may be to blame
Winning streaks are engrained into our sports psyches, but are they actually a legitimate phenomoenon?
A new study suggests that people may be able to teach themselves to have synesthetic experiences
The future under climate change indicates that rice will become an even more abundant staple, thanks to a boost in carbon dioxide that make crops thrive
Cracking the Code of the Human Genome
Rather than looking for the genetic regions responsible for a person's high IQ, maybe we should be looking for the opposite: the root of stupidity
Telstar 1, which launched 50 years ago today, was the world's first commercial satellite, and a testament to government-industry cooperation
3,000 year old bodies discovered in a bog turned out not to be two bodies at all. The skeletons are stitched together from the remains of six individuals
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