In rural Southern India, a husband has embarked upon perhaps the most chivalrous mission ever: designing an affordable menstrual pad for local women
Landing a car-sized rover on a distant planet using a sky crane is really hard, and really awesome.
This silent film footage was taken in 1909 by Thomas Edison at Mark Twain's estate
Cows' mottled coats may have evolved to help keep flies away.
The Union of Concerned Scientists describes how warming and drought can cause problems for power generation
It's no surprise that many of food health labels stray from truth, but how can we cut the rubbish and identify the things that are actually good for us?
Though all eyes are on Curiosity, space agencies from around the world have by no means been resting on their laurels.
Residential segregation has increased by income in 27 out of 30 of America's metropolises, and in some cases translates to shorter lives in poorer areas
In one click, the drifting lines and changing colors take you through 170 years of history.
If we let athletes dope all they want, just how big, fast and strong can they really get?
In 1936 Jesse Owens won four gold medals at the Berlin Olympics, throwing the idea of Aryan supremacy back into Hitler's face
For teens, having low expectations about living long, healthy lives turns out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
53 million years ago, Antarctica was so warm that palm trees lived along its shores.
The classic starting gun leaves too much margin of error, so London has switch to an electronic beep.
A 3-D printed fetus might seem strange, but it represents an opportunity to improve medical education and imaging.
With his billions of dollars, Clive Palmer is investigating cloning dinosaurs to build a real life Jurassic Park
London's Natural History Museum is challenging adults to channel their inner child in an upcoming grown ups-only slumber party
The opening of parts of the Arctic Ocean each summer, and the melting of surface ice on northern landscapes, driving a gold rush into the Arctic frontier
Several of the characteristics that define a psychopath also correspond to the traits that make for effective leaders. For politicians, this is true
Clendenin's photos evoke the feeling that for all the changes seen by the modern Olympic games, the athletes themselves could be transposed across time
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