Smart News

Researchers unearthed 10-pound Civil War artillery shell at a national park in Georgia in February. Local authorities say they plan to safely detonate the bomb—a decision that angered some historians arguing for the artifact's preservation. 

Cool Finds

Unexploded Civil War Shell Unearthed in Georgia

Local authorities plan to safely detonate the ordnance, potentially destroying it in the process. The decision has sparked controversy among history buffs

Emerald ash borers are already predicted to kill all ash trees in more than 6,000 urban areas.

1.4 Million Urban Trees May Fall to Invasive Insects by 2050

It could cost 30 million a year to replace infected trees in areas hardest hit by the non-native species

MIT researchers wove a fiber designed from a piezoelectric material with traditional yarn to create a machine-washable fabric. 

Researchers Create a Fabric That Can 'Hear' Your Heartbeat

This fabric acts as both a speaker and microphone, detecting even faint noises and converting them into electrical signals

Most people who had only mild Covid-19 infections are not at higher risk for persistent mental health challenges.

The Future of Mental Health

Lasting Depression and Anxiety Can Follow Severe Covid-19 Cases

Some patients with serious reactions to the virus reported mental health symptoms almost a year and a half after infection

Smog hangs over downtown Los Angeles, here in 2019. A new study found links between heavy air pollution and historical redlining in urban areas.

Redlined Neighborhoods Have Higher Levels of Air Pollution, Study Suggests

A new analysis documents a link between discriminatory housing practices and local air quality

Italy's Arma dei Carabinieri seized 79 archaeological goods last year.

Officials Recover Thousands of Cultural Goods in Crackdown, Including Roman Gold Coins

International police and U.S. Customs and Border Protection performed checks at museums, border crossing points, airports and auction houses

Entomologists obtained and synthesized the pheromone by swabbing various virgin giant hornet queens captured in Yunnan, China.

Scientists Are Using Sex Pheromones to Lure in Murder Hornets

The method may be the best way to eliminate the insects from non-native habitats

Flamingos in the Atacama region of Chile

Mining Lithium for Electric Vehicle Batteries May Threaten Flamingos, a Study Finds

A lake in Chile has seen decreases in two flamingo populations over the last 11 years, which researchers link to lithium mining

One of the three broken masts from the 1891 wreckage of SS Atlanta. Researchers discovered the ship at the bottom of Michigan's Lake Superior last summer.

Well-Preserved, 131-Year-Old Shipwreck Found in Lake Superior

Researchers discovered the S.S. "Atlanta" last summer while using sonar to map 2,500 miles of the seabed

Sleeping one night with light that emits just 100 lux—similar to the glow of television—was enough to change an individual's glucose regulation and heart rate.

Sleeping With Even a Dim Light Can Raise Blood Sugar and Heart Rate

In a study of 20 participants, those that slept with a light had worse blood sugar control the next morning compared to those who snoozed in total darkness

On March 15, the Senate unanimously passed legislation calling for year-round daylight saving time.

Untold Stories of American History

What Happened the Last Time the U.S. Tried to Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent?

A 1974 switch to year-round DST proved unpopular, with Americans expressing "distaste" for the long, dark winter mornings

Artists in Ukraine are assisting defense groups in welding tank traps called "hedgehogs," to push back against the Russian invasion. 

These Ukrainian Artists Are Making Traps for Russian Tanks

Berlin-based artists Volo Bevza and Victoria Pidust have joined with defense groups in Lviv to help fight back against Russian forces

Many surviving ancient descriptions are fragmented and unable to be radiocarbon dated. Now researchers say a new artificial intelligence program may help fill in those gaps.

Innovation for Good

A New A.I. Can Help Historians Decipher Damaged Ancient Greek Texts

The developers announced that their program, called "Ithaca," is able to reconstruct missing or damaged inscriptions

For decades, researchers and divers have observed curious and intelligent octopi utilize oceanic pollution as tools or taking up residence in glass bottles.

Octopuses Are Reusing Human Trash as Shelter

In crowdsourced images, the cephalopods were observed making refuse their home, even using the junk as a place to lay eggs

Murphy, an English Springer Spaniel, participated in the study.

Good News

Therapy Dogs Help Reduce Pain in Emergency Room Patients

A new study shows canine companions can reduce anxiety, depression and discomfort in ER patients—and increase their overall well-being

The lady-bug-sized spiders live in colonies of thousands are rarely leave the safety of their web.

These Spiders Hunt in Packs to Catch Prey Hundreds of Times Their Size

New research reveals how some arachnids use a coordinated stop-and-start approach to find a meal

An aerial view of a ten-foot-long section of the newly discovered mosaic

Cool Finds

See Dazzling Photos of a Roman Mosaic Floor Unearthed in London

The ancient artwork is the largest of its kind found in the English capital in 50 years

A woodblock illustration depicts a warrior challenging Tamamo-no-mae, a evil nine-tailed fox disguised as a woman who tries to kill the emperor. Legends say the "killing stone," which recently split in half, contained her vengeful spirit.  

Ancient Japanese Stone Said to Contain 'Demon' Cracks Open

Legends say the evil spirit of a beautiful woman plotted to kill the emperor was trapped inside more than 1,000 year ago

The parthenogenetic mouse and the offspring

Mice Birthed From Unfertilized Eggs for the First Time

The lab rodent, which only had genes from its mother, grew to adulthood and successfully reproduced, which was thought to be impossible in mammals

Endurance, which sank over 100 years ago, hosts filter-feeders like anemones.

Shackleton's 'Endurance' Shipwreck Is Teeming With Bizarre Ocean Life

Undersea footage reveals the ship's diverse collection of sea stars, sponges, anemones, and even a rare deep-sea squat lobster

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