Smart News

Men liberated from concentration camp, 1945

Trending Today

Sealed Files of the United Nations War Crimes Commission Will Finally See Light of Day

The massive archive has already revealed that war crimes charges against Hitler were drawn up as early as 1944

A composite image of asteroid 2014 JO25 created with data from NASA's Goldstone Solar System Radar.

Trending Today

Watch a Large Asteroid Streak Through the Night Sky

Only a small telescope will be needed

Later Stone Age paintings

New Research

New Technique Shows San Rock Art Is 5,000 Years Old

Using a highly refined form of carbon dating, researchers were able to date the pigments in art in Botswana, Lesotho and South Africa

The giant shipworm, out of its tube

New Research

After Centuries of Searching, Scientists Finally Find the Mysterious Giant Shipworm Alive

The three-foot long creature has long eluded scientists, but they finally got a closer look

The slimy skin of Hydrophylax bahuvistara harbors antimicrobial powers

The Next Pandemic

This Frog’s Slime Kills Flu Viruses

But don’t go kissing frogs just yet

Thebes is the burial place of seemingly countless Egyptian royals and noblemen.

Cool Finds

Mummies and More Than 1,000 Statues Found in Egyptian Tomb

The treasure was buried near Luxor

A Minnesota Home Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Is For Sale, Original Furniture And All

Everything from the floor color to the light fixtures is as the architect designed it

This gold and red miter greeted builders when they discovered an unexpected tomb in St. Mary-at-Lambeth.

Cool Finds

Builders Find Remains of Five Archbishops of Canterbury

Turns out the vault in which they were buried wasn't destroyed by flood after all

A serpentinite sample

New Research

How Low Can Life Go? New Study Suggests Six Miles Down

Evidence of life from below a mud volcano hints at life beneath the crust

New Research

Scientists Want to Freeze and Pulverize Your Old Computers

E-waste is a growing problem worldwide, but a new method could help take a byte out of the issue

Paul Revere gets all the credit, but he had a little help from his friends.

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere and Some Other Guys

The midnight ride wasn’t so much a solo operation as it was a relay

The City Palace of Jaipur was designed with vastu shastra ideals

Ancient Architectural Science is Coming to a Renowned Indian Engineering School

Principles of alignment with the sun and magnetic fields in vastu shastra stretch back 8,000 years

A souvenir program from the 1925 Woman's World's Fair in Chicago.

A Look Back at the 1925 Woman’s World Fair

After the success of the Chicago World's Fair, women made their own event

Does this crack spell bad news for the Petermann Glacier?

Trending Today

NASA Spots New Crack in Greenland Glacier

Is the Petermann Glacier getting ready to rupture again?

Sandy Maliki

Cool Finds

Dingo Wins Competition for World’s Most Interesting Genome

The desert dingo beat out an explosive beetle, a pit viper and pink pigeon to win a grant to have its genome sequenced

In 19th century England, women often had fewer legal protections than animals, even in cases involving murder.

“Are Women Animals?” Asked One 19th-Century Letter Writer

If women couldn't have the rights of full human beings, "An Earnest Englishwoman" asked, could they at least have as many legal protections as animals?

Jackie, the second MGM "Leo the Lion," was recorded in 1928.

The Story of Hollywood's Most Famous Lion

Actually, there have been five of them

The super bloom draped California's Walker Canyon in a riot of colors.

Cool Finds

California’s Lush Super Bloom Is Even More Stunning From Space

Satellite images captured an explosion of flowers stretching across California’s desert hills

Artist's rendering of what DeeDee may look like

New Research

Meet DeeDee, the Solar System's Newest Dwarf Planet (Maybe)

Though the tiny icy orb meets all the criteria, it has yet to receive the official designation

Ireland May End Its Historic Good Friday Alcohol Ban

The 1927 prohibition restricted the sale of booze on Good Friday, Christmas Day and St. Patrick’s Day

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