Smart News

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What Happens to Obama's Social Media Accounts When He Leaves Office?

The White House and National Archives have come up with a strategy to smoothly transition the POTUS Twitter and other communications channels

Memorials cropped up outside of Orlando's Pulse Nightclub after the gay club turned into the site of America's largest mass shooting.

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Orlando Will Buy Pulse Nightclub and Create a Permanent Memorial

The city announced plans to take over the now-vacant nightclub where 49 guest were gunned down

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Four American Cities Voted for Taxes on Soda Last Night

One step forward in tackling obesity in America

Archival image of one of the U-Bahn's "Dora" trains in service.

Cool Finds

See the Cold War-Era Trains Berlin Is Bringing Back Into Service

The “Dora” is returning to the tracks of the U-Bahn

New Research

Europe's Oldest Polished Axe Found in Ireland

The 9,000-year-old tool shows that Mesolithic people had sophisticated burial rituals and even cremated their dead

Cool Finds

Naturally Formed Snowballs Cover Beaches in Siberia

Thousands have washed up on an 11-mile stretch of shore of the Gulf of Ob

The newly restored "St. John the Baptist," by Leonardo da Vinci.

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The Louvre Has Restored "St. John the Baptist"

To clean, or not to clean?

A replica of the lost Mark IV nuclear bomb at the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada

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Diver Found Possible Inactive 1950 Nuke Off the Coast of British Columbia

The purported bomb was discovered by a man searching for sea cucumbers

New Research

American TV Watchers Spend Over a Year of Their Life Channel Surfing

As options of shows and ways to watch them increase, so does the time it takes to find something to watch

A lobby card for Gunsaulus Mystery, a 1921 silent film written, directed and produced by Oscar Micheaux, an early black silent film auteur.

Cool Finds

Explore the Flickering, Forgotten Past of African-Americans in Silent Film

An estimated 80 percent of silent movies with all-black casts are thought to be lost, but a new project is making sure the people who made them aren't

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Major Renaissance Painting Restored 50 Years After It Was Covered in Flood Waters

Giorgio Vasari's "Last Supper" was heavily damaged during Florence's 1966 flood. Conservationists finally figured out how to save it

Confederate Memorial Day exercises at the Confederate Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia.

Trending Today

A Controversial Museum Tries to Revive the Myth of the Confederacy’s “Lost Cause”

The ideology has been used to whitewash slavery’s role in the Civil War for generations

A legal rumpus threw the author's epic book collection into question.

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Legal Dispute Over Maurice Sendak’s Epic Book Collection Gets Wild

A legal rumpus has concluded—but have concerns about the author's legacy only just begun?

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Today We Honor the Only Woman Who Ever Voted to Give U.S. Women the Right to Vote

100 years ago, Jeannette Rankin became the first woman elected to Congress

On a majority of American roads, potholes and bumps are the norm.

New Research

These Places Have the Nation’s Worst Roads

Bumps and potholes are par for the course on more than two-thirds of America’s roads


Trending Today

R.I.P., Dave the U.K.'s Largest Earthworm

Measuring 16 inches long and weighing an ounce, the worm pulled from a Cheshire garden has become a prized specimen at the Natural History Museum

The historic St. Anne's Well after it was rediscovered and excavated.

Cool Finds

A “Cursed” English Well Has Been Rediscovered

An old photograph led archaeologists to the long-lost well

New Research

Why Certain Songs Get Stuck in Our Heads

A survey of 3,000 people reveals that the most common earworms share a fast tempo, unusual intervals and simple rhythm

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Trending Today

Canada Can’t Figure Out Why the Ocean Floor Is Beeping

A mysterious sound has baffled residents of a far-flung hamlet

As much as possible of the ad-hoc memorial that arose outside the headquarters of the  Dallas Police after the shootings of five officers this year will be preserved in the city's public library.

Trending Today

Library Launches Campaign to Preserve Shrines to Slain Dallas Police Officers

A fundraising effort looks to make remnants of the city's tragic shootings available for future generations

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