Smart News

The first photo of Earth from the moon was taken on August 23, 1966.

Cool Finds

Fifty Years Ago, This Photo Captured the First View of Earth From the Moon

And Earth’s view of itself changed forever

Jackson Pollock
Blue poles, 1952
Enamel and aluminium paint with glass on canvas, 212.1 x 488.9 cm
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Cool Finds

Why London's New Abstract Expressionism Show Is a Big Deal

It's a survey of luminaries from Pollock to De Kooning

The Dessen Bauhaus was home to ambitious movement that went far beyond blocky architecture.

Cool Finds

Harvard Just Launched a Fascinating Resource All About Bauhaus

The newly digitized collection is as ambitious as the art school it documents

While on tour in the 1980s and 1990s, Ray Charles played this Yamaha KX88 electronic keyboard MIDI controller, customized with Braille.

Cool Finds

How the Library of Congress Is Digitizing Its Braille Music Collection

It’s not as simple as putting it through a scanner

Is it disrespectful to sell a literary great’s remains—or is the stunt worthy of Capote himself?

Trending Today

Love Truman Capote? Buy His Ashes

Is the sale of Capote’s earthy remains a gauche publicity stunt or an act worthy of the audacious author?

The newly opened glass bridge in Zhangjiajie Forest Park

Cool Finds

Gulp: The World's Highest, Longest Glass Bridge Opens in China

The new bridge in Hunan's Zhangjiajie Forest Park overlooks the mountains that inspired Avatar

Murray Buttes may look like an earthbound mesa, but there's a difference: It's on Mars.

Cool Finds

Here's a Panoramic Glimpse of the Curiosity Rover's Next Destination

Welcome to Murray Buttes. You are now free to rove about the landscape

Adonis, a Bosnian pine, is the new oldest tree in Europe

Cool Finds

Celebrating at Least 1,075 Years, This Pine Could Be Europe's Oldest Tree

The Bosnian pine stands in a forest of ancient trees in the Pindus Mountains

Gotta catch 'em all.

Forget Bowling: Taiwan Has Shrimping Alleys Instead

Catch-your-own shrimp bars are one of Taiwan's tastiest trends

Lake Burlinskoye in June, 2016.

Cool Finds

Summer Heat Turns This Siberian Lake Bright Pink

And it's not the only one

This 2,000-year-old scroll is covered with mysterious words in Aramaic.

Cool Finds

A Guide to Ancient Magic

In antiquity, love or revenge was just a spell away

One of Johnny Cash's last cars, whose design was inspired by the song "One Piece at a Time."

American South

Explore Johnny Cash’s Tennessee Ranch-Turned Museum

Complete with a car built “one piece at a time”

New Research

Tree Rings Help Circle in on Dating Pre-History Events

Solar flares create spikes in the Carbon-14 of woody plants that can provide anchor years for more accurate dating of artifacts

New Research

Scientists Have Found The Most Efficient Way to Hold a Coffee Mug

Drinking it is a different story

New Research

Science Officially Debunks Chemtrails, But the Conspiracy Will Likely Live On

A panel of 77 atmospheric scientists and geochemists weigh in on the controversial streaks in the sky

New Research

Soon Everyone Will Be Able to Read NASA-Funded Research

Get ready for a lot more space science

Including it's current dirt and plaster packing, the skull weighs roughly 2,500 pounds.

Cool Finds

Rare Complete T. Rex Skull Found in Montana

The "Tufts-Love skull" will be cleaned and put on display at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture

Vanderbilt University's newly renamed "Memorial Hall."

Trending Today

Five Places Where Confederate Monuments Have Recently Disappeared (or Soon Will)

Vanderbilt University's decision to rename a building to "Memorial Hall" is just one of many ongoing efforts

The Torrance County Prison in Estancia, New Mexico is operated by CCA, a private prison company. It will not be affected by the DOJ's new phaseout of private federal prisons.

Trending Today

DOJ Will Say Goodbye to Private Federal Prisons

Private facilities for federal inmates will be phased out—but state use of the practice remains

The Olympics' highest honor is named for Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games

Cool Finds

This Olympic Medal Is Even Harder to Win Than the Gold

The International Olympic Committee values sportsmanship above all else

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