Jokesters from Pixar and <i>the Onion</i> are on the case to make artificial intelligence seem more human
Over 10,000 of the world's largest water frogs were found dead along the Coata River, a tributary of the heavily polluted lake
The famous bungalow is on track to be repaired by 2018 when SpaceX is hoped to launch humans into space once again
For decades, the Al Smith Dinner has helped Catholic voters dine and decide
Nikon's Small World Photography Competition celebrates the gorgeous details of nature
A murder mystery complete with royal intrigue
Tiny glass beads found in New Jersey and Bermuda suggest this dramatic warming period began with an impact
Throughout her long life, Jia Jia helped the dwindling number of pandas bounce back
It turns out that the shriveled shrooms love forests ravaged by fire
But don't get too excited just yet
Researchers spotted ripples in the planet's rings, which may be tracks left from two tiny moons
Over the weekend, nearly 200 nations agreed to phase out hydrofluorocarbons, a super greenhouse gas used in air conditioners and refrigerators
Remembering the dead as the country struggles to make peace
A country with an uneasy relationship to its past will preserve 98 buildings of the 20th century for future generations
A lot is riding on the European Space Agency’s first Mars lander
A 3-D printed version of the classic painting lets blind people appreciate the artwork
Syria is more than just a refugee crisis
The Human Cell Atlas will boldly go where science, surprisingly, hasn’t gone before
New research digs into the changes on the pockmarked lunar surface
By these latest estimates, two trillion galaxies are scattered throughout the vast universe
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