The charismatic, working-class golfer and beloved president made golf the sport of elites and middle-class duffers for a generation
Astrology is not a science
From teen moms to slices of street life
These mesmarizing effects are created using only a plastic 3-D printed plate and speaker
The Center for Infectious Disease Research recasts the fight against disease in a series of movie and comic book-style posters
Dying forests make magnificently melancholy listening
In 2017, the world’s longest trail will finally be complete
The group was the first to split after a single wave of migration out of Africa took place between 51,000 and 72,000 years ago, study shows
A completely burned Biblical text is now readable
The National Park Service is finally acknowledging the first president’s biracial family
Federal authorities closed down seven illegal logging operations near the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Michoacán
A protein produced by tardigrades, a group of microscopic but hardy creatures, protects and repairs DNA damaged by X-rays
The slab figure disappeared from Colombia's National Musuem in 1939
Painting for pluralism
Model towns meant to spark memories could help patients with dementia
Thank El Niño for a Big Year that's bashing previous records
The brain is a highly adaptable organ
If it doesn't come from biological sources, the country's new motto is "just say <i>non</i>"
The dwarf planet’s geography, atmosphere and chemistry helped form its most famous feature
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