Smart News

A juvenile Saccoglossus kowalevskii, a species of acorn worm, with it’s pharyngeal region in blue.

New Research

This Gross-looking Worm Gives Clues About Humans' Ability to Breathe and Talk

Humans share about 70 percent of their genome with the lowly acorn worm, according to recent research

An illustration of Enrico Fermi and other scientists observing the first artificial nuclear reactor.

Cool Finds

The World's First Nuclear Reactor Was Built in a Squash Court

It sat right next to University of Chicago’s football field

"After signing this Constitution, shall we go to Washington’s place for a pint? I hear he brews a tasty one."

Cool Finds

Try Out George Washington’s Own Craft Beer Recipe

The recipe for "small beer" includes molasses as a sweetener and instructions on what to do if the weather is very cold


American South

A Phone Booth Was Just Put on the National Register of Historic Places

Save your change for a telephonic trip to Prairie Grove, Arkansas

Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket takes off at the start of a test to re-land the system

Trending Today

First Reusable Rocket Launched and Landed Safely Back on Earth

Blue Origin's ship cruised to the edge of space and back in a mere 11 minutes

Cool Finds

In Brazil, Subway Reading Means a Ticket to Ride

These books encourage reading by doubling as subway tickets

Cool Finds

Tennessee Locals Spot Half-Mile-Long Spider Webs

Ballooning baby spiders are making some residents of North Memphis cringe

New Research

A New Rose Is Part Plant, Part Color-Changing Machine

Innovation has never looked so pretty

Skeletal cast of "Lucy."

Trending Today

Lucy the Australopithecus Turns 41 (Plus 3.2 Million Years)

Lucy gets a Google Doodle for the anniversary of her discovery

Cool Finds

This Visualization of the World’s Carbon Emissions Is Chillingly Beautiful

A NASA simulation shows how carbon dioxide moves

Trending Today

A Hemingway Book Has Hit the Paris Bestseller List After Recent Attacks

<i>A Moveable Feast</i> declares that "there is never any end to Paris"

Cool Finds

The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman

"The New Colossus" was actually born in Egypt

The winning video featured hip hop dancers as farmers who put demands on the water supply

Trending Today

The Many Ways to "Dance Your Ph.D"

Once again, researchers get creative in a yearly dance competition to explain their Ph.D. thesis work

Youth gather near the White House as part of the "Our Generation, Our Choice" climate change march on November 9, 2015

Trending Today

Hundreds of Thousands March With Hope for Climate Action

Demonstrations around the world have already begun in the days leading up to the Paris climate summit

Cool Finds

Check Out These Gluten-Free Versions of Famous Paintings

The Gluten-Free Museum pokes fun at the popular diet trend

Nola poses for the camera earlier this fall

Trending Today

Northern White Rhinos Now Number Three

The 41-year-old Nola died this week, leaving only three northern white rhinos left in the world

A male Iandumoema smeagol, foraging in its cave.

New Research

Introducing Smeagol the Eyeless Arachnid

This newly discovered cave-dwelling daddy longlegs resembles the fictional Tolkien character

Trending Today

In Belgium, Twitter Responds to Terror With Cats

The cuddliest anti-jihadist squad ever

The light from a Naval missile test off California

Cool Finds

A Real Nuclear Apocalypse Would Be More Beautiful Than the World of 'Fallout 4'

It would also be much, much more devastating


These Videos Will Change the Way You Think About Travel Photography Forever

A new technique lets you zoom through the world without leaving your desk

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