Smart News

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Seattle's Famous 'Gum Wall' Is Getting Scraped Clean

An estimated 1,000,000 pieces of chewing gum are stuck to the quirky attraction

Cool Finds

Watch 30 Minutes of Mesmerizing, Ultra-HD Sun

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory stares at the sun so you don't have to

The rapidly moving Mount Baldy dune has consumed everything in its sandy wake, including fungus-ridden black oak trees that are thought to be the source of the mysterious tunnels.

New Research

New Insights Behind the Sand Dunes That Swallowed a Boy

Scientists have confirmed that fungus-ridden trees are to blame

The Russian Imperial Family, as photographed in 1911. The Russian Orthodox Church has not recognized the remains of Maria (second from left) and Alexei (second from right), despite DNA analysis.

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Why Russia Is Digging Up The Bones of a 19th-Century Tsar

A new DNA analysis aims to end speculation about the last Romanovs—but hasn't the mystery already been solved?

New Research

This Man Got Cancer from a Tapeworm

A very strange case challenges some assumptions about parasites

Soldiers of the 44th Division at Fort Dix, New Jersey, in a gas mask drill. The experiments however, exposed troops to chemical weapons without such protection.

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The Tragic Aftermath of Mustard Gas Experiments in World War II

An NPR investigation is looking for victims of the U.S. military tests

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Soon, Guinness Will Be Vegan

The Irish brewery will no longer use fish bladders to make its beer

In the unregulated park, kids encountered alligators without fences, gates or grates.

Cool Finds

When Kids Played With Alligators in Los Angeles

Babies, dogs and onlookers mixed with snapping reptiles at California's Alligator Farm

Saiga antelope with two calves at the Black Earth Nature Reserve in Kalmykia, Russia

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The Culprits Behind Mysterious Mass Antelope Deaths Finally Exposed

More than half of the world's endangered saiga antelopes died suddenly on the Central Asian steppes last spring

Cool Finds

A Minecraft World Built for Exploring Chemicals

The new world, called MolCraft, is a virtual chemistry museum

Cool Finds

This Scientist Live-Tweets Cheetah Hunts

Documenting nature in all its beauty, viciousness, hilarity and boredom

Cool Finds

A 2,000-Year-Old Greek Fortress Has Been Unearthed in Jerusalem

The fort played a role in the Jewish revolts that inspired Hanukkah

Cool Finds

Forget the Hazy Clouds—The Internet is in the Ocean

This new video explores the 550,000 miles of cable that keeps the internet humming

An illustration of Ornithomimus based on the findings of preserved tail feathers and soft tissue

New Research

New Fossils Show Ostrich-like Dinosaurs Sported a Coat of Plumage

Bits of ancient feathers and skin still clung to the exquisitely preserved fossils

Cool Finds

This Incredible Street Art Is Also An Evolution Lesson

In Rome, a giant mural illustrates how life began and evolved

Cool Finds

Hidden Poop Joke Found in 17th-Century Art Owned By Queen Elizabeth

The newly restored Dutch painting depicts a man relieving himself

Bonus points if you can find a cat in this picture.

Cool Finds

Someone Just Paid $826,000 for the Greatest Cat Painting of All Time

"My Wife's Lovers" pays tribute to the wealthiest cats of the 1890s

Cool Finds

According to This 1919 Writing Guide, There Are Only 37 Possible Stories

From love and disaster to "a miracle of God," the 96-year-old manual outlines every known plot

New Research

Weak Skeletons May Have Spelled the End for Mammoths

New results suggest that weak bones made the beasts more susceptible to human hunters

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Orion's Return, Falling Fireballs and Other Treats in November's Night Skies

A constellation rises as the Leonid and Taurid Meteor Showers return

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