A lab at Syracuse University creates melts basaltic rock in a modified furnace
The fossil record shows how ray-finned fishes took over the planet's oceans
In October, the agency will hear proposals on where to put a Mars base
Robots and motion detection expand the idea of what it means to shop
Meet Gina, the woman behind the iconic paper cup pattern
The valley's remote location keeps the butterflies happy and thriving
Canned goods take a backseat to freshly-grown produce
An informative video shows off a research team’s simulation of the beating heart
While downsizing the military, Germany sets aside land for wildlife
While in orbit, Cassini captures a stunning shot of three crescents
A series of molds help the toy creators’ vision pop into 3-D
More headless animals (and surveillance video) have been found
Shabani’s sexy looks are responsible for a spike in zoo attendance
Without sediment flowing through the canyon, it loses sandbars vital to the river ecosystem
How a miscalculation led to modern water shortages in seven Western states
The latest expansion of the Maps project takes users up Yosemite’s iconic climb
People could receive artificial blood transfusions as early as 2017
Researchers observed the rare event off the coast of Thailand
A wriggling worm is becoming a problem in the Midwest
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