The LRAD sound cannon has been used to subdue protests, deter pirates and, now, slow down speeding drivers.
Romulus and Remus were 100 years late to the party
But we can’t say for sure whether it's pot that made them that way
From solidifying friendships to driving evil spirits away, legends abound about these sweet dough balls
Islamic extremists from the group Boko Haram have kidnapped 200 girls from a boarding school
Illegal marijuana grow ops use thousands of gallons of water a day
Intimate encounters between dogs and wolves are relatively common in Georgia's Caucasus Mountains
Video games are becoming increasingly adept at reading our emotions
Downtown New York used to have an entire neighborhood of type foundries, before they all disappeared
As we age beyond about 24, we become mentally slower and slower
As one glacier melts, locals are pushing for tourists to visit rival pile of ice
This is the first time health officials have encountered a Typhoid Mary-like situation for measles
People who frequently take naps tend to die younger than those who don't, according to a new study
These brief write-ups are surprisingly personal
The Netherlands has tulips, Japan has cherry blossoms, and now China wants in on the action too
The new system is meant to be easy to read and understand, no matter how foreign the place
They've created a system that will tell you exactly how much light to get in order to fix your circadian rhythms
Rather than feed the paper through the printer, why not just put the printer on wheels?
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