The Curiosity lander sets down in just a few days, and here's who to follow on Twitter in anticipation
In Vietnam, dog lovers had best keep their pooches behind high, locked fences if they don't want their pets to wind up boiled in a pot
Did you celebrate? If not, you'll just have to celebrate twice next year
Humans love babies. Humans also love robots. Yet somehow, when you combine the two, it's terrifying.
Why more writers should be as fearless, and as prickly as Vidal
Visionary postcard artists illustrated around 90 fanciful cards between 1899 to 1910 imagined what the future held in store for France in the year 2000
Soldiers arriving home with missing or mutilated genitals have drown attention to the lack of government support for in vitro fertilization
Nasal hallucinations are a real thing, and they stink
Getting your daily dose of awe inspires patience, altruism, and life satisfaction
The Galapagos recently finished exterminating 80,000 invasive goats from the island
Power grids supplying both the northern and eastern parts of India went down, throwing 620 million people, or 8.9% of the world population into darkness
New research reveals that the flu virus has mutated into a novel strain of influenza, which transfers not just from bird to seal, but from seal to seal
No one, not even the experts, really knows what's about to happen
Molecular biology professor David Goodsell is just as skilled with a microscope as with a paint brush
A new study shows that right-handed and left-handed people make different choices
From the ancient Romans to the Tudor Queen, everyone likes dressing up and pretending to be something else
Bad news for coffee drinkers: It turns out that those cheap coffee pots found in offices are one of the biggest energy hogs in the modern workplace
The things we do to animals for the LOLs might not be as innocuous as they seem
Underneath a rock slab which rests on dozens of narrow stilts researchers have found the world's oldest stone axe, and a vast collection of painted artwork
Scientists are all atwitter over Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons and one of the most likely places in our solar system to harbor life
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