Smart News

The mushroom cloud from the atmospheric detonation of the 11 megaton Castle Romeo nuclear bomb.

Cool Finds

For 25 Years, U.S. Special Forces Carried Miniature Nukes on Their Backs

The B-54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition was a nuclear bomb the size of a backpack

ISEE-3 undergoing testing at the Goddard Space Flight Center, November 6, 1976.

Cool Finds

This Satellite Just Returned From Circling the Sun, But NASA’s Lost the Ability to Talk to It

The style of transmitters that would let NASA talk to the spacecraft were taken out of commission

Trending Today

Come On, Is Starbucks Really That "Dumb"?

People love to hate on Starbucks. But are those sentiments misplaced?

Not Michael Sam.

Trending Today

Michael Sam Could Become the First Openly Gay NFL Player Ever

He’ll have no protection under the law, nor does it seem like he’ll receive much protection by coaches, scouts or other players


Trending Today

Modern Olympic Athletes Are Bigger, Stronger And Far, Far More Specialized

Over time, Olympians are changing shape to suit their sport

For a nasty bug, it's awfully pretty.

New Research

Chlamydia Can Live in Your Gut And Reinfect You After You’re Cured

Doctors have known that chlamydia can reappear, but until now they’ve been stumped as to how exactly it happens

The Mesoamericans probably didn't have marshmallows, but we won't tell anybody if you add them.

Cool Finds

Forget the Paleo Diet, Make Yourself Some Mesoamerican Hot Chocolate

Skip the contents of that deer stomach, or whatever other weird diet you’re on, and get yourself some cocoa beans

Cool Finds

See What It’s Like to be a Paleontologist in the Gobi Desert

Aki Watanabe took Google Glass to the Gobi Desert to show people first hand what fossil hunting is like

Turn left to avoid the cows.

Cool Finds

These 10 Year Olds Are Studying the Impact of Texting on Mario Kart Performance

Everybody knows that driving while texting is a really, really bad idea. But what about driving a Mario Kart and texting?

New Research

Attach a Tail to a Chicken and Watch a Mini Dinosaur Strutting Around

Sticking a fake dinosaur tail onto a living chicken helps researchers approximate how those animals once walked and moved

Cool Finds

Mars Got Hit By a Meteorite, And Now There's a Picture

Follow up with NASA's high-resolution HiRISE camera captured this dramatic impact crater

A spider monkey hangs out on the back of a capybara, via Animals Sitting on Capybaras

Cool Finds

Capybaras Are Basically Nature’s Chairs

The world's largest rodent can't get any respect

New Research

How to Humanely Euthanize a Whale

Leaving a beached whale to its own devices means a drawn out, painful death

Cool Finds

Hollywood Overvalues Older Male Actors And Undervalues Older Women

A female movie star's salary peaks at age 34, and then drops off the cliff. Men hit their peak earnings at 51, and keep on making money

New Research

Attractive Cyclists Are More Likely to Win Races

Endurance might be correlated with how attractive we find someone, new research suggests

Hey you guys, got any flowers? I'm starving.

New Research

Did Flowers Take Out The Woolly Mammoth?

Some researchers think that the mighty beasts may have been bested by tiny flowers. Or, more precisely, the lack of them

Trending Today

Happy 50th Birthday, G.I. Joe

The world's first "action figure" turns 50 this week

Geoffrey Chaucer, the "Father of English Literature," said "ax."

Cool Finds

People Have Been Saying "Ax" Instead of "Ask" for 1,200 Years

"Ax" for "ask" isn't wrong, it's just different

Cool Finds

The Line Between Weirdness And Normalacy Depends Entirely on Your Point of View

In 1956, an anthropologist described Americans as a people with a "pervasive aversion to the natural body"

Cool Finds

A Swarm of Tumbleweed-Like Robots Might Be the Ideal Desert Data Gatherers

The hardy robots can traverse places that would be difficult or very expensive to send human data-gatherers

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