Smart News

For just $875,000, you, too, could live in scenic Malta. Or anywhere else in the European Union.

Want European Union Citizenship? You Can Buy It

Got a million dollars sitting around? Move to Europe, and bring your friends


Meet the First Robot to Ring the NASDAQ Bell

As trading gets more and more automated and computers more integral to the process, it was probably only time before some sort of robot rang the bell

Underwater kite design by Minesto

Powering the 21st Century

Underwater Kites Can Harness Ocean Currents to Create Clean Energy

If researchers were to figure out how to harness the power of the currents, there is ample energy to be had

This Is the Most Expensive Piece of Art Ever Auctioned

All told, that auction raked in $691.5 million, the highest anyone has ever made at an auction in history

Depressed People’s Cells Appear To Be Prematurely Old

The research does not address whether the shorter telomeres directly translate into health problems, however


Remnants of 3.5 Billion-Year-Old Bacteria May Be the Oldest Evidence of Life on Earth

The microbial sediment layers outdate previous evidence of life around 300 million years


Rethinking the Paleo Diet: Would You Eat the Contents of a Deer’s Stomach?

Animal stomachs for everybody!


This Floating Marine Laboratory Aims to Make Ocean Exploration Cool Again

The SeaOrbiter's primary purpose is for marine research, but it also aims to inspire

Franz Marc’s Horses in a Landscape was one of the recovered pieces of art.

A Trove of Art, Recovered Decades After Nazis Stole It, Is Going On Virtual Display

After more than 70 years, these great works of art are starting to go online


The Current Outbreak of a Dolphin-Killing Virus Is the Deadliest in History

Based on past disease events, researchers estimate that this current cycle of the outbreak is likely only at the half way point

A páramo ecosystem in the Andes.

This Spot in the Andes May Be the Fastest-Evolving Place on Earth

Like isolated islands, evolution in these mountainous, unique environments seems to be ticking away at a faster beat than run-of-the-mill habitats

The Price of a Starbucks Coffee Has Nothing To Do With the Price of Coffee Beans

Despite the dropping price of coffee don't expect your Starbucks receipt to get any lighter

Before the World Cup, Brazilians Are Trying to Learn English

Brazilians have 211 days left to prepare for the World Cup one of the things many of them are doing to get ready is to try and learn English

Moscow Will Give You a Free Subway Ticket If You Do 30 Squats

The Moscow subway system will now reward riders with a free trip in exchange for 30 squats


This Scientist Let a Flea Live Inside Her In Order to Study It

To what lengths would you go for science?


Sleep Experts Have No Idea What the Most Common Nightmare Is

Past studies only represented a specific group and method of studying nightmares, and all came up with variable top results

Washington Monument Scaffolding Is Coming Down Today

Two years later, the scaffolding around the Washington Monument is ready to come down


This Antique Polar Bear Robot Blows Bubbles

It turns out that even early robot makers were all about the polar bear

Learning Another Language Could Help Delay Dementia

Kids who know two languages think faster and more creatively. And research even suggests that being bilingual could fortify the brain against dementia


Watch a Cougar Grab a Salmon off a Zipline

More food should be delivered by zipline

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