Across the country, pumpkins have been stolen from their owners
Leftover mercury will continue to flush through the environment, eventually making its way into the San Francisco bay, for the next 10,000 years
Red Sox fans are partying like it's 1918.
Reindeers' wintery blue eyes are about 1,000 times more sensitive to light than their summery gold ones
What would early bike designers think of this Tron-like reboot of their classic wheels?
Like the selfie, the emoji has faced its fair share of derision. But as more and more people use the little icons they're finding more acceptance
Whether you love or hate candy corn, it's probably worth knowing how it's made and where it came from
These drones are striking against a different kind of enemy: apple scab
Some users speculate that polymers could have been to blame, though others pointed to nitrogen, one of the main components of urine
The condition is almost always accompanied by tactile hallucinations of crawling sensations and visual hallucinations of the non-existent insects
Archeologists in London just turned up a pristine 1,800-year old Roman statue of an eagle devouring a serpent
Around 60 million years ago, our primate ancestors figured out that the sight of a snake meant trouble
A big data project to connect all the people
Beware, your brain can force you to spend a lot more time than you might think watching these
Stock up now, the Sriracha factory is facing shutdown
The researchers found that the people with synesthesia seem to go into more of a trance during sex than those without
Since they're already going to the flowers anyway, why not give them some pesticides to carry?
Given math's applicability to everything in our world and beyond, it's not so far fetched to think that a theory of everything really does exist
These rocks can not only spy on you, they can communicate with each other and report back to base
New research shows that animals trapped in the tar would linger for months on end
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