Smart News

An artist’s idea of what PSO J318.5-22 may look like

This Baby Rogue Planet Is Wandering the Universe All by Itself

This planet, six times bigger than Jupiter, is sailing through space just 80 light-years away


In Ancient Rome, Purple Dye Was Made from Snails

By boiling them in lead vats, purple dye was extracted from snails to make Tyrian purple

The Nobel Prize medal

Blame Sloppy Journalism for the Nobel Prizes

Sloppy journalism and a early obituary may have prompted Nobel to try to rewrite his legacy

Plants and animals living in the tropics will be pushed out of their natural temperature range the fastest.

What Does “Unprecedented Climate” Mean?

Starting in just 30 years, the coldest year will still be hotter than any year in the past 150 years


Times of Famine Linked to Disproportionate Number of Female Births

Cultural factors like selective abortions de not explain the trend, rather it seems evolutionary biology does

Ancient Women Artists May Be Responsible for Most Cave Art

Previously, most researchers assumed that the people behind these mysterious artworks must have been men, but they were wrong

Want Your Mugshot Off the Internet? You’ll Have to Pay Up

Some companies are profiting off of mugshots - posting them on the internet for sale

Cockroaches Stick to Different Neighborhoods Just Like New Yorkers Do

Cockroaches from the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side and nearby Roosevelt Island all have a distinctly different genetic makeup from one another


Watch How Money Is Made With LeVar Burton

How is our money made? It's an often answered question, but here is LeVar Burton, of Reading Rainbow fame, answering it

Why Cheating Feels So Good

There are a lot of things that are wrong yet feel so right. Cheating, for some people, is one of them. And researchers are trying to figure out why

These Male Marsupials Put So Much Energy Into Mating, It Kills Them

Males with the largest testes, most fit sperm and longest endurance in the sack tended sired more offspring with promiscuous females

This Artists Recreates Great Works of Art Using Plastic Trinkets

Jane Perkins creates works of art using small plastic objects, most of which she recovered from junk shops, garage sales or friends

Men And Women’s Migraines Affect Different Parts of the Brain

Women's migraines affect the parts of the brain that handle emotions

An oil well in North Dakota

Thanks to the Gas Boom, America Is Producing More Fuel Than Russia Or Saudi Arabia

This year the U.S. is set to overtake Russia as the world's largest producer of oil and gas


Government-Issued Guidelines Warn Chinese Tourists Not to Spit, Shout Or Overeat at Buffets

Last year, mainland Chinese became the top tourism spenders, dropping $102 billion in destinations around the world

Music Does Get Louder Every Year

Yes, grandma, the music is louder than it was when you were a kid


Secret Cameras Caught an Endangered Sumatran Rhino Happily Hanging Around on Borneo

Only an estimated 220 to 275 Sumatran rhinos - the smallest species of rhino in the world at just 3.3 to 5 feet tall - still exist

Your Cheat Sheet to the 2013 Nobel Prizes

Love them or hate them, here we provide you with the sound bytes you'll need to at least discuss them


In Russia, the Olympic Torch Flames Out

Shortly after the start of the Olympic torch relay, the flame was puffed out

The demographics of Nobel laureates

What Makes a Nobel Laureate? The Demographic Keys to Success

It helps to be an older man from Europe

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