Most architects want everybody to see their buildings. But in South Korea, designers are working to achieve exactly the opposite: an invisible skyscraper
As much as researchers themselves want to believe that breakfast helps people lose weight or keep it off, the evidence is far from conclusive
The idea behind Danielle, who is based on a real person, is "that something is happening but you can't see it but you can feel it, like aging itself"
What used to take half an hour now lasts mere minues
6.6 million children died before their first birthday last year, but the good news is that number is going down
When it comes to super long distances, women are catching up to men
Before we actually went to space, we had some ideas about what Earth might look like
The authors suspect that other great apes and species of intelligent animals likely use similar communication strategies
Follow in Darwin's footsteps, starting on San Cristobal Island and then venturing to Floreana Island and North Seymour Island
In a cave in Mexico, the disembodied corpses of dozens of people
This might sound like the beginning of a cartoon, but it's not. Molasses is bad for wildlife, and the officials are dealing with an environmental disaster
Farmers may be able to use growl-broadcasting, motion-triggered speakers to deter elephants from raiding their crops
Steam coming from a mothballed plutonium plant could mean North Korea is resuming its weapons program
Tony Abbott's Liberal campaign slogan of "Chose real change" may turn out to be unsettlingly on the mark
When you spend your time digging in dirt, you get exposed to all sorts of nasty spores
Accents change with time, rendering some of Shakespeare's rhymes obsolete
Felt on your sneakers is there not for function, but for economics - shoes with fuzzy soles are taxed less when imported than those with rubber ones
Deep down, new research finds, kids may be secretly enjoying themselves and creating fond attachments to oldies songs that still rock their parents out
According to researchers, unless students come from a wealthy family, considering whether a college degree will pay off as an investment is a smart move
Rounding up and securing all of Assad's chemical weapons will no doubt be challenging, but the actual act of destroying them isn't quite so difficult
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