Some men may be naturally inclined to go down the long-term investment parenting route, whereas others may lean towards the Johnny Appleseed approach
Gaynor collapsed and died from a bullet that had been lodged in his throat for three years - put there by an eventually successful assassin
We know where they are and what they say, but everything else is all hotly debated
The famous tale of how Ernest Shackleton put together his Antarctic expedition is probably a myth
When asked, one in four men admitted to committing sexual assault
Last year, China threw away 2 million of them
What started a month ago with protests-turned-deadly has not gone away
This is basically an Apple commercial for bat preservation
Actual astronauts never seem afraid to piece the atmosphere and plunge into the icy depths beyond our planet, but they are
Norway requested that INTERPOL bestow the Snake with a Purple Notice, information-gathering the agency uses to compile details on criminal activities
The term “meh,” defined as “an expression of indifference or boredom,” entered the Collins English Dictionary in 2008
This isn't the first time a Peace Prize winner has pushed for war
Your next rainy day, you now have no excuse to be bored. You're welcome
Two years of intense research were required to give the painting the final stamp of approval
This is by far the most anyone has asked for a trading card like this
Today, studying comets and meteors involves billions of dollars worth of equipment and teams from all over the world
The ongoing fighting in Syria is devastating irreplaceable artifacts
3970 Spencer St seems pretty normal, until you look more closely that you realize that the trees in the background are fake, and the sky is painted on
Additionally, we're more likely to lie by text than in-person or on the phone
The Rap Genius Engineering team decided it would be fun to analyze over thirty years of New York Time nuptials to see just what NYT couples are like
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