Many credit Thomas with breaking the glass ceiling for women in journalism
Pioneering cinematographer Gottfried Wilhelm “Billy” Bitzer shot this silent film about a year after the subway's first line opened.
In 1952, he was convicted of "gross indecency"—a crime used at the time to punish homosexuals—and chemically castrated.
Nicotine interferes with alcohol's ability to produce a surge of pleasurable, stress-reducing dopamine in our brain, increasing our desire to keep drinking
Schools that have merged enjoy perks such as new joint degree programs, more options for specialized majors, higher state rankings and reduced costs
While everybody loves to hate the chipper morning people, psychologists say that night owls are really the ones to watch out for
Ferrofluids are pretty much the coolest thing ever
The knife cauterizes tissue and then analyzes the smoke produced by the burning flesh using mass spectrometry
The NSA's legal ability to collect Verizon metadata expires today, but what happens next nobody knows
Many places manage to avoid actually filing for bankruptcy, despite being in dire straits
In a study of 200 older people, researchers found that those who reported the most memory problems had the highest levels of beta amyloid in their brain
NASA is taking of Earth as seen from Saturn
What's behind the mysterious deaths of more than a hundred of Florida's manatees?
Everybody loves lava lamps. But perhaps nobody loves lava lamps quite as much as the town of Soap Lake, Washington
Some beekeepers are working towards making tiny trackers for bees to locate them when they are stolen, but there's no "find my queen" app just yet
It's in there somewhere, we swear!
Sauropods were the largest animals ever to live and their constantly replaced teeth helped them avoid wear from the greens they constantly munched on
After 69 years, the pitch has finally dropped
In February, somebody painted words on some of Iceland's most pristine landscapes
Twenty-four feet tall and three feet wide, these giant spires dotted the ancient landscape
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