Scientists have just described Nasutoceratops titusi, a new species of dinosaur whose Latin name means large-nosed horned face
A plan to protect millions of acres of Antarctic ocean was temporarily killed in a meeting yesterday
Tens of millions of dollars of fine art may now be a pile of fine ash
The young woman was either poisoned or strangled with a cord, then dumped into a pit
The World Health Organization issued HIV treatments that could impact the number of patients who receive drugs and other support for the condition
The U.S. Botanic Garden is expecting to have a smelly week this week. Their Titan Arum, a flowering plant that rarely blooms, is set to unfurl any day now.
As the climate changes, India's monsoon is changing with it
That's right, flowers can get STD's. And these scientists want your help figuring out how common one plant STD is
Instead of logging onto Amazon or hitting the mall, maybe the next time you need a sheep or a sweater, you should check Instagram
You only have yourself to blame.
The little moon had ignored detection until a veteran moon hunter spotted it in old photos
It turns out that there are some volcanoes that actually do ‘scream,’ emitting a tea-kettle-like screech prior to eruption.
A unique language is being born in northern Australia
If researchers could guess the ethnicity, gender or age of a person without having to survey them, they would have a lot more data at their disposal
Thousands crammed into India's telegram offices on Sunday as the 163 year old service shuts down for good
Around 20 baseball players are under investigation for the alleged use of performance enhancing drugs
Women built the Waterloo Bridge, but their contributions were largely lost to history
While the success of your marriage probably has nothing to do with the position of Venus, astrological signs can impact how people feel about things
In a paper in Science, researchers think they may have found a reason for the uptick—water being injected deep into the earth.
But, sadly, they are not genetically altered bees with laser-beam stingers
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