Both John Paul II and John XXIII will be made saints at the end of the year, suggesting a shift from traditions
The modern bikini, named after Bikini Atoll where the atomic bomb was tested, was first unleashed on the world more than 75 years ago
Artist Nickolay Lamm created a 3D doll-sized model of a healthy, average 19-year-old American woman, then made her up like Barbie
The advent of open fire cooking began with Homo erectus
Say hello to Pluto's newest moons, Styx and Kerberos
If you're managed to get yourself into a person vs lion situation, you probably don't know what to do about it. Thankfully, the internet is here for you
Assuming a false name helped women perform better on math tests
Buttercup's adorable plight, which concluded on Sunday when engineers successfully outfitted the duck with a 3D printed duck foot
Mars' moon Phobos may look small in the sky, but it won't for long
Vanity prosthetic legs aren't new - but this is probably the first one built out of LEGOS
Explaining to kids why veggies are good for them and making a show of just how tasty they can be are effective strategies for getting kids to eat greens
Bats have been pinpointed as the most likely culprits behind MERS, though camels are a close second
These contact lenses can switch your vision back and forth from regular sight to a 2.8x zoom
Obama's plan will specifically address poaching of elephants and rhinos, though he has also reportedly begun conversations with China about curbing demand
Though its roots are in India, American yoga is a whole different thing
The roboticists behind RoboCup want their team of bots to beat the World Cup champions on a level playing field by 2050
There are no other Pinta Island tortoises preserved anywhere else in the world, so George will be alone forever
Three hundred and fifteen years ago today James Savery's patented the steam engine
After the exhibition concludes, the ice will be relinquished to its original fate - a melted puddle
Unfortunately, so far local human populations haven't taken to eating the invasive, piggy lionfish out of existence
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