Laid down layer by layer using protein powders and other things, this 3D food printer could be the way of our culinary future
In trials with mice, stress boosted the immune system, making it vaccines more effective
Called a Howell torpedo, the old military relic was a marvel in its day, and only 50 were ever made
For the marbled murrelet the conservation plan is a little unusual: making their predators vomit
In terms of size, speed and staying power the Oklahoma tornado was a force of nature
Russian scientists say that this experiment represents that longest period animals have ever spent alone in space and been recovered alive
In the animal kingdom, larger males are likewise prone to hoard resources and defend larger territories than weaker competitors
With special training, these honeybees can sniff out TNT
The stress of loss can actually break your heart, a rare type of heart attack known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
In the majority of public pools health officials found E. coli and other fecal bacteria
A new app outpaces email when sending crucial medical data from the ambulance to the hospital
Students who had their brains zapped solved math questions 27 percent faster than those who did not
A forensic art team reconstructed Richard III's face
How ecosystems will function if fire ants suddenly disappear and are replaced by crazy ants remains an open but worrying question
For 2/3 of the world's population, being born left handed is still met with distrust and stigma
Seventy-eight percent of the Americans who took part in activities outdoors last year were white
This ad for Subway sandwiches reminds you that, unlike their fast food competitors that sell burgers and fries and shakes, Subway is healthy. That seems obvious, since they’re selling sandwiches with lettuce on them while other places sell fattening burgers. But a new study suggests that in fact eating at Subway might be less healthy [...]
Now, those former test subjects may be spreading the deadly amphibian chytrid fungus around the world
Yes, climate change is real. Yes, we are causing it.
If successful, the project will be the world's highest elevation biogas reactor and could be introduced to other high altitude areas around the world
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