Complex life is possible without excessive amounts of non-coding DNA
Researchers have created a 3D visualization of Dunwich using acoustic imaging
Scientists can detect signs of Down Syndrome, brain damage and a preterm delivery using this new urine test
Every so often you hear about the oldest person in the world dying, but how often does this actually happen?
Robots get smaller, smarter, faster and easier to assemble every day. In fact, they're so easy to make that this robot can actually assemble itself
Who are the people who edit Wikipedia and where do they come from? Here is a real-time map to answer that question
While blind people can't enjoy photographs the same way sighted people do, that doesn't mean they don't want to take them
Have you ever noticed that almost every barn you have ever seen is red? Here's why.
Through a combination if sight and touch, virtual reality can actually be incredibly realistic
There are just three fish of this species left in the world, and they're all males.
Real feel or social construction? Where does the mood of your music come from?
The new well contains around 250 million barrels of recoverable oil total - or just over three percent of the oil used by the U.S. each year
Tune in this evening to watch the Moon eclipse Australia's early-morning Sun
Cosmic rays may cause a "runaway breakdown" of electrons when they collide with highly charged particles in thunderclouds
A recent analysis of 11 years of SI covers shows that if you take out the swimsuit issue, women appear just 4.9 percent of the time
Listing an ecosystem or animal as endangered does not save it from extinction, but it can bring attention and inspire protection
28 years in just a few seconds, as seen from space
This new model is the most complete guide for understanding the "complex interweaving" of our tongue muscles
You might never have asked yourself this question, because it's a pretty weird question, but the answer is essentially yes
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