And now that you know you can—don't you want to?
The hunt for microbial life in Antarctic subglacial lakes continues. Now it's the American's turn
In 2012, 349 active-duty servicemembers took their own lives
For ancient Romans enjoying a day at the bathhouse, the list of items lost to drains includes jewelry, scalpels, teeth, needles and plates
On February 5, players may have a Monopoly identity crisis as one of the classic Monopoly pieces is sent to jail for good
Chimps are far stronger than we are - but why?
Get a jet airliner's view of the surface of the Moon
The cardboard cockroach can sprint up to 7 miles per hour on its spindly little legs, using them much as an actual cockroach does
In San Antonio, an entirely bookless library system
Without pubic hair, people are that much safer from pubic lice
There are all sorts of animals that we actually have never seen get it on. Squid used to be one of them
This past Sunday, journalist Paul Salopek began his walk from Ethiopia to Patagonia
Archaeologists are slowly bringing "the Hobbit Human" to light as new bones turn up
For some, knowing whether 5 is greater than 2 is a difficult task
Female mice have tricks for encouraging the otherwise absentee father of their offspring to care and get involved in child-tending
Once given a 1-in-45 chance of smacking into the Earth, the odds are now effectively zero
One of the biggest challenges to a Mars mission is just how long it takes to get there
Maybe it's the economy, or the current state of politics, or the recent boy band resurgence - but for whatever reason, Americans are putting down the milk and picking up the wine glass
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