Smart News

Middle School Jocks Actually Get the Best Grades

The fittest kids on the playground are also the ones who excel in the classroom at standardized tests and good grades


Lions Are Disappearing From Africa

Research shows that lions are quickly disappearing across Africa's once-thriving Savannah due to human population growth and massive land use conversion


Extroverted Gorillas Live Longer Than Shy Ones

In New Zealand, Dogs Are Being Taught How To Drive Cars

Because people didn't think dogs were awesome enough

After Decades of Wishing for a Mars Colony, It May Finally Be Within Reach

With multiple paths to the red planet laid out, we might actually see people on Mars in the next few decades

Here’s How to Make a Scorpion Bomb

Want to keep your enemies at bay? How about throwing a jar of scorpions at them?


These Beautiful Blurs Are Nude Portraits

New York–based photographer Shinichi Maruyama has a knack for capturing motion on film

Does Blood Doping Even Work?

A recent study found no evidence that using blood doping drugs gives elite athletes any advantage

“Nothing tells us more about the spread of humans across the Earth than city lights” – NOAA.

Black Marble, Interrupted: Our Mark on the Night Sky, From Space

NASA scientists created global composite images using cloud-free nights to reveal an unprecedented look at how our planet appears at night

Drinking Tea Was Once Considered an Irresponsible, Reckless Pursuit for Women

Poor Irish women who drank tea in the 19th century might as well have been chugging a bottle of whiskey


Your Cell Phone Could Soon Become Part of a Massive Earthquake Detection System

In the future, your cell phone's accelerometer could help detect earthquakes

Not Besse Cooper’s hands

Besse Cooper, World’s Oldest Person, Passes Away

Born in 1896, Besse Cooper was came into a world that was vastly different than the one she just left


Oldest Book Printed on American Soil To Go Up for Sale

A 372-year old book of psalms is set to go up for auction


Birds Harness the Deadly Power of Nicotine to Kill Parasites

And city birds are stuffing their nests with cigarette butts to poison potential parasites


Why Senior Citizens May Be Overly Trusting

Out ability to judge the trustworthiness of faces diminishes with age, a new study shows


The First Text Message, Sent Twenty Years Ago, Was ‘Merry Christmas’

Text messaging turns twenty - celebrating two decades of helping people plan where to meet, wish happy birthday, break up, make up, and generally communicate without actually having to talk to one another

A thermal image of a lying subject gives away his bright red nose.

Like Pinocchio, When You Lie, Your Nose Gives You Away

When a person lies, the area on and around the nose increases in temperature, giving away the anxiety lurking below the surface of an otherwise cool facade

Blame Napoleon for Our Addiction to Sugar

Prior to 1850, sugar was a hot commodity that only society's most wealthy could afford


World’s Greatest Extinction May Have Actually Been Two Extinctions in One

The Permian-Triassic extinction nearly wiped out life on Earth


Sometimes, Being the Best Dad You Can Be Gets You a Giant Metal Hook in the Face

Fishing selectively targets the best largemouth bass dads

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