Feb-March 2017

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Glenn preparing to board Discovery in 1998

The Voyages of John Glenn

Two trips to space, 36 years apart.

Pan Am Stratocruiser 944

True Crime: Pan Am Flight 7

Sabotage? Negligence? Fraud? New clues surface in a 60-year-old aviation mystery.

galactic center

The First Sighting of a Black Hole

We know one lurks at the center of the Milky Way, but to these astronomers, seeing is believing.


Return of the Light Brigade

To meet the demands of 21st Century warfare, militaries are reaching for a Vietnam-era weapon.

Alan Eustace

The Highest Jump

The computer scientist who pulled off a world-record skydive is still wondering: Could he have done it from orbit?

Three Electra Juniors

We Fly the Last Electra Juniors

Seven remarkable Lockheed Model 12s showed up (late) for their diamond jubilee.

APRIL 4, 1918

Lost Photographs of the Great War

In a Moroccan flea market, a photojournalist happens on an inexplicable treasure.



Supersonic Spring

This Denver-based company wants to revive the supersonic airliner.


Colleen Barrett

The only woman to serve as president of a major U.S. airline, Barrett led Southwest Airlines until she stepped down in 2008.

Above & Beyond

Gutless and Pilotless

Memorable flights and other adventures.

Oldies and Oddities

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

In 1931, a corrugated steel tunnel figured in one of history’s greatest science experiments.

In the Museum

Buried Treasure

Stops on a tour through America’s hangar.


A Hazardous Occupation

Testing to the Limits: British Test Pilots Since 1910.